Ecowitt - Unhandled sensor type & Feels like Temperature

The integration is not interpreting some data received in EW format form a FOSHKplugin server. For example the sunhours, ptrend1, pchange1, ptrend3, pchange3, isintvl, isintvl10, dewptf, feelslikef, heatindexf, windgustmph_max10m, brightness
It would be nice to pull all the sensors arriving from the server, to be able to enable/disable and name these in the config.

The function that spits out the feelslike temperature is wrong. I have now 7.6 outdoor, with a feels like of 4.8 (correctly reported by FOSHKplugin - again), but he integration somehow shows -0.4C

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+1 on the incorrect feels like temperature interpretation… I have my units in F, but still see the feels like reported significantly lower than Ecowitt says directly (Ecowitt says 36.7F but HA says 17.1F)

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I’ve reported the issue on github as well, one month ago. But there’s no reaction to it.