ECOWITT Weatherstation integration for Home Assistant

Yes, it doesn’t work after the update either. Restart HA and Ecowitt.

I had to remove the old integration in HACS, then the internal integration in HA. Next, I modified in the android app Ecowitt and everything is already working.

Roll back to 2023.4. (I was not able to delete the Ecowitt integration running 2023.5)
Delete the custom Ecowitt Integration.
Delete the custom integration via HACS.
Restart Home Assistant.
Install the official Ecowitt Integration.
Update Home Assistant to 2023.5
Done :grinning:


yes that worked for me, Thanks !

@Osorkon: I followed your hind for deleting custom integration and installing official Integration. Did your official Ecowitt Integration work at 2023.4? Or is it only working after update to 2023.5
For me custom integration works fine at 2023.4. But if I delete custom integration and integration via HACS and then install the official one no device and no entities being detected.

Had the same issue and the problem is that I only was giving access through https. Had to install ngnix proxy and now it works perfectly.

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THANX Manuel, NGINX made it for me, too!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Yes it did.

I’m using Nginx Proxy Manager from beginning.
HA was always reachable locally via http.

Yup, me as well.

Forgive me this naive question, but how does a guy “roll back” using the GUI alone?

Or is this an SSH/command line function only?

If you did a backup before updating, you can restore that and ylthen you are rolled back.

Or from the command line you can issue a command to “downgrade” to the previous version.

If you are still stuck with the old version of Ecowitt and you cannot remove it in 2023.5.X, then look at the FileEditor addon and follow the instructions what were posted in the issue on GitHub. Basically you just need to change 1 line to fix the custom component.

Just as a reference this is the quick and dirty solution:

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Have the “official” integration ever supported the WiFi gateways (GW1000/GW1100) ?
I’m using two of them with the HACS integration and it worked fine up until 2023.5

I tried to switch over to the official version but I can’t seem to be getting any data (changed the config with the API call and the EcoWitt setup accordingly, but I don’t receive any data and I vaguely remember having the same issues in the past so I figured I’d double check that they’re actually supported before spending too much time figuring out what’s wrong.
Server IP: myhass.domain
Path: /api/webhook/dfgzdfgsmdfgjfghdkjfghskdjfg
Port: 123456

I can confirm that the GW1100 works flawlessly with the core integration.

Are you using the configuration for the server that the integration provided during setup? 123456 is definitely not a valid port. Does the domain you provide use SSL, because the integration only supports unencrypted traffic.

If you use with your HA the default port 8123, then you have to set that.

And I would use the IP address, unless you are sure that your local domain works flawlessly.

Sorry, maybe I should have been more clear…
the parameters / settings are just dummies, I’m using the local IP of my server and the 8123 port
The EcoWitt app replies with “success” when applying / saving the settings but I don’t see anything in the home-assistant logs as to why or why not things aren’t working.

I was able to switch from the HACS integration to the standard integration without issue.

Is there any way to make it so that the data is updated more than once every 5 minutes? I have the ecowitt configured to upload data every 16 seconds, but Home Assistant will only show one update every 5 minutes.

What exactly do i need to enter in the path field? So far I had entered /data/report/ .

Everytime I update my station the connection to the integration is lost and I have to re-add it and loose all my sensor history.
Is there any trick I can avoid it?
It seems like it is due to a name change (firmware version integrated in the name of the station :frowning:

Open an issue for this. The firmware version shouldn’t be used neither for uuid or entity name.