Ecowitt WittFlow (WFC01) Support

The Ecowitt integration currently does not support the WittFlow (WFC01) water tap timer (WittFlow smart water timer – Ecowitt).

It is added to the gateway as a “sub device” which may require a different process to integrate this? It allows to run water on time or volume which is handy for topping up a pool for example.


Adding support for it would be fantastic, if possible.


Support for the the wittflow would be great. Another vote.

Does anyone know if there’s any movement (or progress!) on this? I’ve had a couple of WFC01’s since launch with the intention of setting them up with automations in HA. still a bit disappointed that we’re yet to see any integration in HA.

I did see there was a response from Ecowitt support that suggested they were working on a HA plugin amongst other things back in December and suggested 3-4 months as an ETA but not seen anything since. Also unsure if this would require the original owner of the HA Ecowitt integration to do anything too?

As I’m a new owner of a WFC01 an there is still no official support in HA, you could integrate it easy with the rest/rest_command: