Edgerouter - Virtual Box issue - HA cannot access internet

Yesterday I introduced an edgrouter x into my network as my main (single) router and it works great. but since then it looks like now my HA running on virtual box VM cannot get out to the internet, unable to connect to nabu casa, get weather , run speedtests, backup to google cloud etc.

i can access HA through its normal IP address and it works internally but cannot get any data from the outside.
i have not changed anything in the edgrouter basic setup wizard, and all other devices on the network can access the internet just fine.
i can ping the HA IP and get a reply no problem.

im no expert with these routers for sure, when i ‘show arp’ for connected devices , the HA IP address is not listed . . .

tried restarting the ERX and Virtual Box and HA. still no luck.
also cannot putty into HA now.

Do i need to add some specific rule for HA in the edgerouter??

Thanks for any assistance.

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Have you forwarded all relevant ports? I use an EdgerouterX also, works very well, no HA access issues.

which ports?
i cant recall having opened any on my last router…

All ports that you use for HA, primarily 8123 and add-ons. For remote SSH access you’ll need 22 etc.

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thanks heaps for the feedback @kanga_who
i opened those ports and still nothing.
i restarted HA and it took a long time to restart , about 5 mins, but it did eventually restart. not sure if that was related.

Is the machine running HA listed in the IP leases?

Services----->Actions----->View Leases

i have mapped it to a static IP address and is listed in the static IP address list.
i can go to that IP in my browser and see HA. i can ping this IP as well.
When i list the ‘show arp’, is not listed???
driving me crazy!

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Do your settings here look like this?

Do you have the HA machine plugged directly into the EdgerouterX, or through a switch connect to the router?

@kanga_who mate HA runs through a virtual box VM on my PC with its own IP address

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I understand that, I just remember having issue setting some things up as I didn’t have Hairpin NAT enabled, hence asking.

I don’t use a VM myself, I have HA Supervised running on an Ubuntu machine, plugged directly into the router, no other config needed other than port forwarding.

It could be something to do with how the Edgerouter is seeing the VM. If everything else on the network is functioning as it should, I would start looking at the network config of the VM.

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thank heaps mate. i will continue down that vein.

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Most consumer grade routers do not need ports forwarded for deices on the LAN side to access the internet. All outgoing ports are open by default.

Having said that I have no experience with the edgerouter, but I would be surprised if it made you open regularly used ports like 80, 443, 25 etc. If the other devices on your lan can access the internet, then home assistant in the same lan should be able to also.

Or have I missed something?

@nickrout i think it is how @kanga_who said it is something to do with the virtual box VM getting out past the router.
im hoping i can make a firewall rule in the ERX to do this but ii dont know how to properly make this even to try . . . .

So in virtualbox is your network bridged, or something else? If it is bridged (which it should be) it should appear on your normal lan and have access the same as the host machine.

thanks for the info. its on the lan as i can see HA. just any service that needs to get out to the internet is not being able to do so . . .
yes it is bridged. ive changed nothing on the virtual box settings, and has been working for a long time prior to the new router . . . …

I installed HA on a rpi - HA had access to internet - not a router issue.

I recreated the VM and installed HA on it - HA had access to internet.
Installed ssh and samba and uploaded the latest snapshot and it restored and all worked.

So i suppose it must have had something to do with the VM on virtual box. The settings are identical (except the mac address) so i have no idea.
i even tried the old VM with a different mac address to test and still didnt work.

anyway thanks heaps for all the feedback regardless.