EdgeRouter X SFP driving me crazy with DDNS. Please help!

I’m trying to configure my EdgeRouter X SFP to access HA from outside my home.
I searched all over the Internet, tried everything and still nothing.
When I type my DDNS URL I always get my EdgeRouter login page. This is driving me crazy!!!

I have the EdgeRouter and behind abother router that I configured as “Bridge”.

I set the port foward and the DDNS but I always get my EdgeRouter login page.

I would like to use dyndns.org because I have a pro account there.

Would someone PLEASE help me? Please???

Have you checked the box “hairpin NAT” on the firewall/NAT tab?

Show us your port forward configuration on the erx, screen cap is fine.

First of all thank you for your attention!! This is not driving me crazy, I’m almost “crying”!!!

Here it is…

You could configure the VPN connection, and then connect ‘local’?

In your firewall/NAT settings you only provide eth1 as LAN. But in you DNS forward settings you provide switch0, eth2 and eth3. On which eth is your rpi? If it is on eth2 or 3 it should be added at the firewall/NAT settings as LAN. Otherwise the ERX is not going to create the proper forwarding rules.

Could you please elaborate? I’m new to this router and HA. :frowning:

I’m really greatful that someone is willing to help. Thank you! This is making my blood pressure rise!!!

I did what you told me but I’m still getting the Edge Router login page everytime I use the external URL.
What am I missing? Some configuration inside HA?.. Some add-on?

Could you please check the red arrows and tell me if the fields are correct?
I have the HA connected to a switch and than to the Edge Router. Is this a problem?

If I point to this address: https://xxxxxx.dyndns.org:8123/ I get “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED”.

With VPN your connection would be a ‘local’ connection, provided you activate your vpn prior to accessing HA. I.o.w accessing HA with

Ofc you should be able to access HA also with port-forwarding also

First of all, you need to establish to witch interface you internet is connected to.

Mine uses pppoe (username/password from isp), and I forward to ‘switch0’ (meaning all local LAN ports):

Then I forward port 443 to HA’s internal P, port 8123:

And then from outside I access HA with https://my.dns.name (no need to specify 8123, as https uses port 443)

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Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! " aceindy
I could kiss you!!! :slight_smile:

I was missing that: eth0 ------> switch0

I just LOVE this community!!!

I don’t wan’t to abuse your pacience but, I should encrypt this, right?
With duckdns I know how to do it but with dyndns…

(by the way, sorry about my English, that is not my native language. I’m Portuguese and learned English by myself)

http:// is not encrypted but
https:// is encrypted :wink:

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Ok! Than it’s done!

Once again THANK YOU!!!

Samesame, but you will need to generate new certificates for dyndns (as the ones you have now are for duckdns :wink:)

Hum… Maybe that’s why I can’t login. I was searching for that on Google but I think you just answered my question. Thank you!

Letsencrypt does not support dyndns.org??

@rn1 I honestly wouldn’t know…I use certbot myself :stuck_out_tongue:

Doh…just re-read the ‘about cert bot’ just now…

Certbot is a free, open source software tool for automatically using Let’s Encrypt certificates on manually-administrated websites to enable HTTPS.

So to answer your question…YES

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Hum… Going to try that after I get home! Thank you once again!!