Edit ecobee climate preset settings based on family member presences


I used to have automation that triggered below script when certain family member is presented, in order to make them more comfortable when they are at home, and save energy when only I am at home.

curl -s --request POST --data-urlencode @/config/ecobee_climate/more.json -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "Expect:" -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /config/ecobee.conf| jq '.ACCESS_TOKEN' -r)" "https://api.ecobee.com/1/thermostat?format=json"

based on this ecobee api doc: https://www.ecobee.com/home/developer/api/examples/ex11.shtml
since Home Assistant 0.100, /config/ecobee.conf is depreciated, I wonder if there’s another way to edit Ecobee climate preset settings?
