I am a new forum member and hope to get help with a probably very simple problem:
I have configured the energy panel and it works, but not as I want it. So I have to edit it, change entities displayed and possibly change layout.
But I can’t find a way to edit the dashboard or a way to delete it completely and start new.
Where is the code for it? Can’t find anything via file editor.
Best regards
Hello, you have to edit the energy dashboard under settings - dashboards under energy.
You cannot change anything on the layout itself.
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Just adding to the above that you can use the cards on the energy dashboard on other dashboards. So if you want a different layout, you can make a new dashboard and add the cards of your choice to that.
How exactly is this working? I cannot find the specific cards, e.g. my water consumption.
You add the entities to the energy dashboard and then they appear on the energy dashboard.
If you want to use the cards elsewhere. The cards are here Energy Cards - Home Assistant
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