Edit ESPHome configuration from Home Assistant

A while ago I saw a Youtube video that seemed to suggest that it is possible to edit the configuration of connected ESPHome devices from the Home Assistant GUI.

Is this possible with the ESPHome integration?

Or would I need the add-on as described here? That doesn’t work for me because I’m using the Raspberry Pi Container installation.

The integration is used to talk with configured devices. The add-on is esphome, running in docker, managed by supervisor and can be accessed from the homeassistant sidebar using ingress. The other benefits of the add on are ease of install, integrated backups and update notifications.

If you have esphome installed elsewhere, you could just link to it, you won’t lose much.

Oh, I always assumed ESPHome is only the build scripts, but indeed the dashboard is part of ESPHome and there’s a Docker image available.

Dashboard docs