Edit/remove Deconz DDF

Hi Guys,

I have HA on a RPi with 2.5 HHD and Conbee II. I tried to instal a Sonoff ZBMini L2, which at the time wouldn’t work with my version on of Deconz.
Now that Deconz has been updated, and will now install the ZBMini L2, I’m unable to install it.
I’ve had some chats on the Deconz forum, and I’ve been advised that I need to remove the item from the DDF within Deconz. My chat is at the bottom of the following;

I can ssh into my instance, I also have a keyboard and screen attached, so I can also access the CLI, but I can’t seem to access the files I’ve been advised to edit/remove;
Navigate to the path /mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/core_deconz/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices
I get the following;
-bash: /mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/core_deconz/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices: No such file or directory

I can someone offer some advice for a novice?


Hi Guys,

Okay, so I’m under the impression I have to create another SSH key to access the OS of HA, other than the SSH key I already have to access the system.
Is the correct?

When I do this on my tired old Imac (2011), do I copy the whole fingerprint into a file named authorized_keys, including the SHA256: part, or only what comes after this?
