Edit yaml through lovelace?

Eh, might be worth it.

Yeah ! tell me that again when you are living on the streets, hiding from gangs of ravenous street thugs, using newspaper that you stole from a dumpster to line your shoes, provide some ā€˜separationā€™ from the skid marks in your underwear, extra insulation under your coat (if youā€™re lucky enough to have a coat) and to form a makeshift hat to keep the rain off.
All because you couldnā€™t keep up with payments for your wife and kids.
What ? ā€¦ Iā€™m being negative ??? ā€¦ surely not !

Having said that Iā€™ve met some women (and men for that matter, with the shoe on the other foot) where that would be preferable. Thatā€™s when I say ā€¦ ā€œSheā€™s not sooooo bad !ā€ and ā€œWell, look what she has to put up withā€

See ? the topic has to take an upturn from this ! : - )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

This took quite the turn lmao

thanks for posting your example.

Started my missionā€¦ but the automation to turn switch on is not working.
Checked the template editor and all times show up.

  - platform: template
    value_template: '"{{ states.sensor.time.state == states("input_datetime.timeswitch_light_evening_on")[0:5]
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: switch.matsal, switch.vinkel, group.sw_ikea_matsal, group.sw_ikea_vardrum,
        group.sw_ikea_vardupp, switch.sw_gastrum, switch.telldus_tzwp_100_plug_in_switch_switch_2
    service: switch.turn_on

Somehow they trigger is not okā€¦ manual trigger is working

Any thoughts?

Wrong form on the templateā€¦
Correct below

  - platform: template
    value_template: "{{ states.sensor.time.state == states.input_datetime.timeswitch_light_evening_on.state[0:5] }}"
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: switch.matsal, switch.vinkel, group.sw_ikea_matsal, group.sw_ikea_vardrum,
        group.sw_ikea_vardupp, switch.sw_gastrum, switch.telldus_tzwp_100_plug_in_switch_switch_2
    service: switch.turn_on

Itā€™s always nicer when you solve it yourself, the lesson sticks in deeper that way ; - )))))))

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Love your positive attitude! :100:
Thank you so much for your inputs on the timer setupā€¦
My WAF is increasing by 0.2 units :+1:

Do you have any clue how to implement the input_datetime inputfield in a picture-element?
Or can I include the entities card in the picture-element card?
Am I clear enough? :thinking:

You are 100% clear, but I canā€™t help.
Iā€™ve only just moved over to lovelace, I have a new house (new to me that is) with a ā€˜lotā€™ of new kit installed and Iā€™m busy just pulling automations and scripts together (thatā€™s why my controls are just entity cards)
Making it look pretty is a project for next year (maybe) ; - P

I hear you! Congrats on your new house!
IĀ“ll post here if I find any progress.
Fell in :heart_eyes: with this layout that I foundā€¦ by John Sollecito


Just stumbled into this thread and the wifey comments have pretty much made my night. The struggle is real.