Editing config via hass configurator - help

very new to all of this and none of it looks hard, but i seem to screw up everything anyways :slight_smile:

Trying to install configurator and i did. following directions here, https://www.home-assistant.io/getting-started/configuration/

  • Start the add-on
  • You will be able to click the “WEB UI” link to open the Web UI

I start it and I see no icon or anything to go to configurator.

I also went to there page here, https://www.home-assistant.io/addons/configurator and do not see thew configurator icon at all. What the heck am i doing wrong?

Or what should i use instead of?

Hi there,
Did you set the username and password on the add-on configuration page before you started the service?

ps. Here is my video on installing Configurator on Hassio, I hope you can find it some help.

I found the video on youtube. for some reason the link brought me to my youtube account not yours. Anyways, I setup password for configurator and when i log in it says “Policy not fulfilled”

What did i do wrong?

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Thanks: I have changed the URL. I will look into this for you now. unless anybody else knows before I find it.

This can happen when:

  • Your client IP has been banned
  • Your client IP is not within the allowed networks
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How is either of these things possible? It’s my personal internet connection. What can I do to fix it?

The configurator has options to tighten security. I don’t use hassio, so I don’t know how the config-options are presented in the UI. But the following ones are relevant for your problem:

  • allowed_networks
  • banlimit

I assume you have not yet exposed Home Assistant or the configurator to the web. So for a basic setup you have to match the allowed_networks option to what your network is. The default of should actually cover pretty much every case. But if your network does NOT start with 192.168., then you have to modify this.
To simplify you can also set the banlimit to 0. This way you won’t get banned after repeatedly entering invalid credentials.

First let me say I appreciate everyone;s help as i assume this is incredibly basic for the more weathered folks and I am just completely new to this.

Saying that…

banlimit is already set to 0

not sure why banned IPs is ?

“username”: “admin”,
“password”: null,
“certfile”: “fullchain.pem”,
“keyfile”: “privkey.pem”,
“ssl”: false,
“allowed_networks”: [
“banned_ips”: [
“banlimit”: 0,
“ignore_pattern”: [
“dirsfirst”: false

Maybe you can check you’re homeassistant config folder for a file called banned_ips or something similar? If you accidentally banned your computer before you had the password correctly set up you will need to delete that file.

The can be ignored. That’s Googles DNS server which just serves as a placeholder since there never will be incoming connection from that IP.
As for the rest of the config, it’s actually looking fine. Does hassio have a way of showing the logs of add-ons?
And just to be sure: The add-on should be installed from the integrated repository that has all default add-ons. The repository that’s hosted under my GitHub account is outdated.

Edit: What’s your internal network? Does it start with 192.168.? For testing purposes you can change "" to ""

ok so i found this old article:

and it worked! So can someone please explain to me why it worked and what precautions i need to take? Seems to me anyone can get in right?

“username”: “motherfuckinadamwest”,
“password”: “adamwestistherealbatman”,
“certfile”: “fullchain.pem”,
“keyfile”: “privkey.pem”,
“ssl”: false,
“allowed_networks”: [
“banned_ips”: [
“banlimit”: 0,
“ignore_pattern”: [
“dirsfirst”: false

If you set a username and password you’re pretty safe.
Also set a ban limit.

I know this is a HASS.IO topic, but I thought this guide I put together for myself from @danielperna84 work for installing on the normal version of HASS in a venv, might be useful to others. I’m sure someone will search the forums and this thread will come up!

cd /etc
sudo mkdir homeassistant
cd homeassistant
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielperna84/hass-configurator/master/configurator.py 
sudo chmod 755 configurator.py

sudo nano configurator.py
* Change the following *
BASEPATH = "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant"
HASS_API = "http://YOUR_HASS_IP:8123/api/"

sudo nano settings.conf
* Paste in *

    "LISTENIP": "",
    "LISTENPORT": 3218,
    "BASEPATH": "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant"
    "SSL_CERTIFICATE": null,
    "SSL_KEY": null,
    "HASS_API": "http://YOUR_HASS_IP:8123/api/"
    "CREDENTIALS": null,
    "BANNED_IPS": [],
    "BANLIMIT": 0,
    "DIRSFIRST": false,
    "SESAME": null

sudo nano -w /etc/systemd/system/configurator.service
* Paste in *


#Set the path to your configurator.py location
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /etc/homeassistant/configurator.py settings.conf


sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable configurator
sudo systemctl start configurator 

Then, in configuration.yaml, add this to enable the Configurator in the iPanel

    title: Editor
    icon: mdi:wrench
    url: 'http://YOUR_HASS_IP:3218'

Don’t forget to forward the 3218 port to HASS in your router for external access :wink:

adding “” worked for me. I have a password on configurator so I am not so worried about it. SSL is true.

Edit: let me comment further. the UI works, but the configurator page from the HASS frame does not work.

Further edit: Had to edit the configurator IP in the config file to match duckdns rather than internal address or hassio.local. Posting in case others have the same trouble