EDL21 Configuration ser2net.yaml?


the documentation only describes the configuration of ser2net.conf. Does anyone know what the entry in ser2net.yaml should look like?
best regards andreas

I use the following configuration for the Hichi IR sensor mounted on the Iskra MT681:

connection: &hichi_ir
    accepter: tcp,1234
    enable: on
        kickolduser: true
    connector: serialdev,

1234 → port
9600 → bit rate
n → no parity bit
8 → 8 data bits
1 → 1 stop bit

Restart the ser2net service (sudo service ser2net restart), and you should then be able to check that data is forwarded to the port by probing it with telnet (telnet <YOUR_IP_ADDRESS> 1234).

You can then use the following EDL21 integration config in your configuration.yaml:

      - platform: edl21
        name: "Iskra MT681"
        serial_port: socket://<YOUR_IP_ADDRESS>:1234
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