I’m relatively new to HA but think the program is great.
Now I saw a warning in my logs:
Logger: homeassistant.helpers.frame
Source: helpers/frame.py:103
First occurred: 16. Januar 2022, 14:06:08 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 16. Januar 2022, 14:06:08
Detected integration that called async_timeout.timeout with loop keyword argument. The loop keyword argument is deprecated and calls will fail after Home Assistant 2022.2. Please report issue for edl21 using this method at homeassistant/components/edl21/sensor.py, line 163: await self._proto.connect(self._hass.loop)
As I understood EDL21 will not longer work in HA 2022.2? Is that correct?
Thank you for your information.