Eedomus smarthome box integration


Eedomus is a french automation gateway natively supporting Z-Wave connections
Website link:
Eedomus API is fully documented and available here:

I don’t have the capabilities to develop, but I’m able to help on testing if required (have an eedomus account with API user and secret to perform tests)

Thanks :smile:

Hum what’s the use of linking two automation systems ?? it’s completely useless I think !

To keep the integrated eedomus as the backend and use HA as the frontend developping dashboards and compensate the eedomus old-fashionned interface.

la idea es genial eedomus funciona muy bien pero no tiene una aspecto grafico tan bueno como home assistant

I support this request as well, the Eedomus system is widely used in Western Europe (France, Spain, Italy). Also Fibaro and Vera have been integrated to HA so I see no reason not to give that possibility to Eedomus as well.

I can also help with the tests if required.

The power of HA with the simplicty of the Eedomus can be a very powerful combination for a lot of users.

Which Eedomus hub do you have? You could give GitHub - iMicknl/ha-tahoma: Custom component for Home Assistant to interact with smart devices via Somfy TaHoma or other OverKiz based API's. a try, which should support Eedomus as well. (but we haven’t had much testers with eedomus…)

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Thanks for this, I have the Eedomus+, just tried and unfortunately is not working, I can get passed the login details, it says my credential for Eedomus are not correct despite the information being valid; it would be great if this was working with Eedomus, I’m quite sure a lot of other Eedomus user would use it.

Hey nice, will try. Like @aldiallo I have an eedomus+ but worth a try!

Edit: if you agree I will share your github with the french eedomus community to have some test samples.
If you need anything to debug let me know.

Hi Bingo,

Let me know if you manage to get use it as I’ve not been able to.

For sure yes!

Do you know the mac address of your hub? The first 6 digits only. If it doesn’t start with ‘F8811A’, than the hub is not using the Overkiz platform and thus the integration I linked to won’t work unfortunately.

Ah ok…
Mine is 00606e so it won’t work unfortunately…
So bad

My apologies, it seems that the platform I was mentioning is mistakenly tagged as eedomus. Thanks at least for your feedback, I will try to dig up which hub/platform this user was using.

Bonjour à tous,

Avez vous du nouveau du l’intégration Eddomus+ sous home assistant ? Merci

Buenos días a todos… actualmente uno Eedomus con HA vía HOMEKIT

pero es mucho lio

seria fantástico tener una buena integración… pero yo lamentablemente solo sirvo para las pruebas, no se nada de programar

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Another advantage of developing this integration would be to facilitate the transition between the two automation systems. When you have tens of hidden Z-Wave switches it takes a lot of time just to access physically to them to pair them to HA. With this integration I could start fresh with HA accessing my Z-Wave peripherals associated to eedomus+ and then, gradually, start migrating them.