Eero Router & Server Problems

I recently updated my router to the Eero Router mesh Wifi system, and since doing so I am unable to connect to the HA Frontend. HA is up and running and is communicating with my network, I just can’t connect to the frontend.

I am on .32 still using DuckDNS and Let’s Encrypt. I updated my Let’s Encrypt certificate and I checked my DuckDNS to make sure the IP was refreshed as well. I have a password set in my configuration as well. I have port forwarding set via the Eero App to my RPi address with external port being 443 and Internal Port being 8123 (TCP &UDP)

On my computer, I get an error message saying “Home Assistant had trouble connecting to the server”. On my prior router (Belkin N300) I had no problems accessing the Frontend.

Any ideas? As I use a lot of HTTP Posts in my setup. Thank you!

EDIT: I am able to access the Frontend on a cellular device, but not on a device that is connected to my home network

EDIT2: It seems to be a problem with Eero and their lack of NAT loopback. I am unable to access using the local IP address either.

did you find workaround for this issue?

No, as Eero doesn’t support the NAT loopback and last I checked they have no plans too. Wound up with Google Wifi

Just wanted to throw this out here, but Eero started supporting Hairpin NAT as of version 3.3 (I think 2 months ago). Just wanted to leave this here in case people are googling. :slight_smile: