Hi everyone, I’m new to home assistant so please bear with me.
I wanted to monitor my energy and solar panels and ended up going with the EfergyPro device I see there’s a Efergy integration available but the Pro isn’t able to connect with it, I contacted Efergy directly asking them if its possible to obtain a API key for the pro and they replied with the following
This is a sample code you can use to get a token
print "Please enter your glow username: ";
my $u = ;
chomp $u;
print "Please enter your glow password: ";
my $p = ;
chomp $p;
my $url = “https://api.glowmarkt.com/api/v0-1/auth”;
my $obj;
my $body;
$body->{username} = $u;
$body->{password} = $p;
$obj->{content} = to_json($body);
undef $body;
$body->{“Content-Type”} = “application/json”;
$body->{applicationId} = $applicationId;
$obj->{headers} = $body;
my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->post($url, $obj);
if ( $response->{success} )
my $obj;
eval { $obj = from_json($response->{content}) };
$hash{token} = $obj->{token};
$hash{texpire} = $obj->{exp};
} else
print Dumper($response)
Im sorry, I posted on home assistant community for help with this but never got any reply, I now moved over to ShellyEM it costs less and works in home assistant
The main differences is that Efergy devices use a different Application ID, without this your credentials will not work. The correct Application ID for efergy is 3d0841ef-9818-4fba-895f-87348301a82f, this took ages to track down so hopefully helps someone else.