eGauge Energy Monitor custom component

My solar install came with an eGauge monitor that provides real-time monitoring for solar production and household energy usage. I saw that it has an XML API, but there isn’t any existing integration for it. I initially did something similar to the nice solution from @phidauex using the REST platform, but I wanted something that was a little more robust and included historical data.

To that end, I created the eGauge custom component. It was recently added as a default HACS repository, so it should be easy to install. Configuration is done through the UI; it just needs the address of your eGauge monitor, along with username/password if you have authentication enabled. If you don’t have an eGauge and want to play around with it, the default value in the configuration flow points to the system that eGauge has set up at their company headquarters.

Once set up, the integration provides a bunch of sensors:

  • Current readings for each sensor with supported type
  • Historical usage for power sensors over the last:
    • day
    • week
    • month
    • year

Supported sensor types:

  • Humidity
  • Temperature
  • Power
  • Pressure
  • Current
  • Voltage

If you have an eGauge, please give it a shot and let me know if you have any problems, questions, or suggestions.


Hope you can help me understand what I am not doing correctly using your component. I read your Github description several times and installed your work but am not seeing any vaild data from my system.
First when looking at yout description of the setup you mention there are two types of configurations - back-fed and direct-feed. I have no idea on which mine is and have no idea on how to find out.
My system is at Lightgauge Data Monitoring.
In my system’s settings I have -

I was hoping the totals/virtual registers I have would work but I guess not. Any direction you could provide appreciated.

A was able to resolve the install problem, outlined below, by removing the eGauge custom component, reinstalling, and restarting HA.

I’ve installed the eGauge custom component via HACS, restarted HA, and am having trouble with setup. Following the install instructions, I’m not seeing eGauge via

In the HA UI go to “Configuration” → “Integrations” click “+” and search for “eGauge”

Any ideas?

Hi CannedBass, this is excellent, I love the Egauge and I use several of them.

Would it be possible to get time series data via the Egauge API to show consumption over time in HA or is there some other smart way to do it?


Based on the screenshot, it looks like you have a back-fed system. Please follow the instructions in the README for adding grid-in and grid-out virtual registers.

I’d suggest just hooking it into the HA energy component. HA doesn’t really provide a way to load in historical data directly.

Got it all sorted. Thanks.

Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for releasing this. Enjoying having my data show up in the home assistant dashboard and like that kids can see energy utilization as they turn things off :wink:

This is excellent, thank you. I pretty easily got it connected following your instructions. I had to do a manual install since I am running HA container.

When I go to configure Energy and try to add a data source, all I see are sensor.egauge_todays_* options and I am not sure why. Any ideas?

@CannedBass thank you so much for creating this. I’m trying to set it up and am stuck at creating registers. I confirmed with the installer we have back-feed configuration

I changed the “Grid” register to be =+ instead of just +
I added grid_in
I added grid_out

When I tried to add egauge_todays_grid_out to the Home Assistant Energy dashboard I get the following error:

What configuration change do I need to make?