I am transitioning over to Home Assistant from UD apps using EISY with all zwave devices at this point. I am using HACS and the UD ISY/IoX integration to import all of the IoX devices into HA. I have several sensors in the EISY that come in as lights that are always on, and do not change any status. (ZOOZ tilt sensors, and various leak sensors throughout my house)
I have the node sensor string set to “sensor”, and all of my sensor names and folders have “sensor” included.
My best suggestion is to post the question on the UD forum. @shbatm is the developer of the ISY/IoX Integration and he is very helpful.
BTW I used his Integration for more than a year and it worked great. However I recently moved entirely to HA . It took some 10 days as I excluded devices from Eisy and then did the Include at HA. With well over 50 Zwave devices, as well as various Wifi, Lifx, Kasa etc, it took time, but I am very happy with the move.
UD had been a fantastic option for me for close to 10 years, but my feeling was (and is) that HA has many more possibilities and more future.
Thanks, I just replaced the last of my insteon devices with zwave. Currently using my own sites using rest for my phones, but HA looked like a good alternative. if i can see that HA can do everything i want it to, i will probably switch over as well.
I got out of Insteon in 2014 and was all Zwave on Eisy. UD’s strength is Insteon and of course they have a superb customer service.
HA is better for Zwave and there are many more Integrations than Nodeservers. I have Nest thermostats and on UD they stopped working several years ago, while they work fine in HA. I has taken me time to reproduce my IoX programs in HA, but that has largely been completed.
There are still many things I don’t understand in HA as I am not the most techie on the block. I try to stay away from Yaml and do as much as I can in Visual Editor. I also don’t understand Templates. I guess that over time I will understand better, but even with what I understand now, for me HA is a better option.