Electricity Meter & Energy Dashboard behaviour after period of unaccessibility

Hi everyone! :smiley:

the problem:

I’m writing this topic because I have a weird behaviour from the Electricity grid consumption tracker:

HomeAssistant lost the connection with the electricity meter for 11hours. When the link went up again, on the dashboard it put the index as a daily consumption instead of the difference between the old index and new index.

But what is weird is that the cost tracking seams to be accurate and only tracked the difference, here’s the screenshot of the energy dashboard:

Correction? I’m not sure how I could correct this, I doubt that calibration would work in this case. The index is read on the electricity meter via a ESP32 board.

Well it’s not that much of a problem, just curious of what might have been the issue here.

It might be a known issue as I’m not using the last version of Home Assistant, it’s a new setup for my parents that just got a connected electricity meter (Linky). Hosted on an old Synology NAS, the community package is not up to date:

HomeAssistant 2023.7.3 
Frontend 20230705.1 - latest

I didn’t have this problem before, and I’m sure the link between the ESP32 and HomeAssistant went down several time already.

Maybe someone here would have an idea of where I should start looking,

Thanks :slight_smile:
