Electronic shutters and controllable light switches / dimmers in a new house - Recommendations wanted!

Hello dear community,

We are in the process of building a house. Of course I am thinking (besides a lot of other things) about my home automation. Now I want to implement devices there (e.g. electric shutters, controllable light switches etc.), which I never wanted to install before in a house, which is not my property. Since I’m just starting on a green field, I’m thinking about what devices I want to install.

current situation:

  • I have a Fritzbox, which controls thermostats via DECT ULE HAN (what I don´t need in the new house anymore)
  • I have a Conbee 2 Zigbee stick, which is connected to several doors / windows sensors, motion detectors and power sockets. I would like to include these devices as much as I can in my new setup.

To include electronic shutters and controllable light switches / dimmers. I am currently stuck on how to proceed. Here’s what I have in mind:

Option 1: Install Shelly 1 and Shelly 2.5 in front of the switches. Disadvantage: Permanent power consumption of the Shellys (are then about 30 pieces), although they are only idle.

Option 2: Install these motors and then control them with Fritz Dect 440 via Fritzbox
Option 3: And I would be grateful for your idea. A zigbee switch that is placed directly on the wall (instead of the original). Ideally has a low power consumption in idle state than the shellys.

I would then also prefer to replace the light switches / dimmers with zigbee switches / dimmers. Can you recommend something / do you already have something like that in use? Can you there was recommend?

Of course everything need to be integrated into Home Assistant. I would be very happy about your ideas.
