Elelabs Zigbee controller does not work with Hass.IO so use Conbee II instead

I decided it was time for a spring clean, so out with the SmartThings hub and in with a ZigBee controller from Elelabs. I also decided to perform a fresh install on my Raspberry Pi 4 Model B.

I installed Hass.IO using the install notes from here: https://github.com/home-assistant/hassio-installer.

However, no matter what I have tried, I cannot get the new Hass.IO instance to communicate with the Elelabs Zigbee controller. Reading the install instructions on https://elelabs.com/products/elelabs-zigbee-shield.html
and in particular the instructions in their PDF:
I see I need to allow the docker container to connect to the /dev/ttyAMA0 device.

I tried stopping the Home Assistant container with

docker stop xxxxx

only to find that the container was running again a few seconds later. This had me baffled. Some posts on this community implied that it was due to the docker --restart flag.

Looking at the Home Assistant install script, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-installer/master/hassio_install.sh I can see that the Home Assistant Supervisor process is installed as a service. So I guessed that this is what keeps restarting the Home Assistant container.

I fixed this using the command:

systemctl stop hassio-supervisor.service

The following web page mentions how to expose devices to

So I took a snapshot of my container using:

docker commit homeassistant home-assistant-all-but-zigbee

I then renamed the original container so I could replace it and the supervisor service would work with it correctly:

docker container rename homeassistant homeassistant_old	

I then ran up my new instance of Hass.IO using:

docker run --init -d --name="homeassistant" -v /config:/config \
    -e "TZ=Europe/London" \
	--device /dev/ttyAMA0:/dev/ttyAMA0 \
	--privileged \
	--net=host home-assistant-all-but-zigbee

However, the problem persists. Note that the user running the docker container is pi (as far as I know) and pi is a member of dialout group. Permissions on that device as follows.

crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 204, 64 Jan 20 23:46 /dev/ttyAMA0

Note that Hass.IO shows the serial device /dev/ttyAMA0 in the hardware list.

This is the log from Home Assistant:

2020-01-20 23:46:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Resetting EZSP
2020-01-20 23:46:16 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Resetting ASH
2020-01-20 23:46:16 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'1ac038bc7e'
2020-01-20 23:46:21 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error setting up entry /dev/ttyAMA0 for zha
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/config_entries.py", line 215, in async_setup
    hass, self
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/__init__.py", line 103, in async_setup_entry
    await zha_gateway.async_initialize()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/core/gateway.py", line 124, in async_initialize
    await self.application_controller.startup(auto_form=True)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bellows/zigbee/application.py", line 135, in startup
    await self.initialize()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bellows/zigbee/application.py", line 72, in initialize
    await e.reset()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bellows/ezsp.py", line 57, in reset
    await self._gw.reset()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bellows/uart.py", line 222, in reset
    return await asyncio.wait_for(self._reset_future, timeout=RESET_TIMEOUT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/tasks.py", line 449, in wait_for
    raise futures.TimeoutError()
2020-01-20 23:47:57 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.2892257104] Received invalid command: zha/devices
2020-01-20 23:48:13 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.2892257104] Received invalid command: zha/devices/permit

In the same situation (I think, still getting my head around everything!)

I have successfully got the Shield working in OpenHAB - so I know it can work.

My log looks identical I think?

2020-01-24 17:57:40 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error setting up entry /dev/ttyAMA0 for zha
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/config_entries.py”, line 215, in async_setup
hass, self
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/init.py”, line 103, in async_setup_entry
await zha_gateway.async_initialize()
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/core/gateway.py”, line 124, in async_initialize
await self.application_controller.startup(auto_form=True)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bellows/zigbee/application.py”, line 135, in startup
await self.initialize()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bellows/zigbee/application.py”, line 72, in initialize
await e.reset()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bellows/ezsp.py”, line 57, in reset
await self._gw.reset()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bellows/uart.py”, line 222, in reset
return await asyncio.wait_for(self._reset_future, timeout=RESET_TIMEOUT)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/tasks.py”, line 449, in wait_for
raise futures.TimeoutError()
2020-01-24 18:04:48 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.548290391376] Received invalid command: zha/devices
2020-01-24 18:04:49 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.548290391376] Received invalid command: zha/devices/permit

After a lot of wasted effort, I finally replaced the Elelabs Shield with a Conbee II USB stick. The deCONZ integration is part of Hass.IO and it took me only 20 minutes to get it up and running.

So sad I wasted so, so many days on attempting to get the Elelabs Shield working.

Once I had requested a refund via PayPal, Elelabs coughed up the monies. Don’t think they would otherwise. However, $20 refund does not cover the hours and hours of wasted time!

I have just done the same, Conbee II works like a dream. Well try and get a refund…

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Unable to put elelabs to work, tried for hours. Conbee II, just plug, setup in less than a minute working.

Really annoyed - this is classed as working.
So, I ordered and got one.
Too late to get a refund. Grrrr!!!
Can’t find any sellers for the Conbee II USB stick to send to my location

If you purchased using PayPal, just request a refund. You will get one

Unfortunately no.

I have also Zigbee shield ELR023 for Raspberry Pi from Elelabs. I have some difficulties with it but finally, after some hours, I managed to get it work with following settings (with Raspberry Pi 4B):



Removed text from Cmdline.txt file:


Added to Config.txt file:


Configure ZHA component:

Serial port /dev/ttyAMA0
Baud rate 115200

With above settings the Zigbee shield is working fine as well as Bluetooth adapter of RPi4B.

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