Elero shutter upgrade - solved


I have a few Elero RolTop M10-868 radio shutter.
I would like to change the control electronic to Shelly Wawe shutter.

I disassembled the first one, and found this electronic.

Does anyone have any information about the pinouts of this electronic?
Can i replace this for shelly wave shutter?


Let’s hope someone knows this board.
In the meanwhile:
I don’t think you have problem to figure out pinout of this board. The problem is that it (my guess) has all the electronics on this single board, RF receiver and MCU for logic. I’m quite confident you could drive your shutter with Shelly directly connected to the motor, but I don’t know how limit switches are implemented.
On the bottom part there is 6-pin header, does it have some labels on the back side?
Under relays there is perpendicular pcb, RF receiver?
Pin on the bottom right corner is connected to motor?

I upload a photo with writings, and about back side.
I think the 3 pin to motor: 1 N, 1 Up, 1 Down. Of course i can test it, which does what.
4 pin come from power cable. (There is 4 wire cable, and the N,L,Ground was used).

The problem is: i think the electronic controlling the torque, the speed, and stop the endpoints.
(Blind protection, smart force measurement)
Can i make trouble, if i connecting the Selly Qubino Wave Shutter directly? https://www.shelly.com/en/products/shop/shelly-qubino-wave-shutter

I contacted to the manufacturer’s representative, and they told, the manufacturer does not support any modification, even the replace the broken part of the motor or electronics.
So they can’t give any documentation or informaction about the electronics.
So if the control elctronics break down i need to replace the entire motor with the new one.
So i remounted the electronic part into the motor and tried a new concept, and it’s working.

I use the Shelly wave shutter like a phisical swith to controling the shutter moving.
Its very simple, and don’t need to dismount any part, just i opened the 4 wire power cord, and connedted the Shelly wave shutter like the operating button.

So the Black wire to the Shelly wave shutter O1 and the Brown wire to O2, (of course the Blue to the N).

The automatic calibration process in the Z-Wave JS UI worked fine, and found the end positions.I think because my Elero shutter was calibrated before (up and down end position) and worked with the own RF remote control.
Of course the RF remote is not working at now, because there is no power in the original electronics until the Shelly switching any direction (O1 or O2).
So i have a really smart shutter.

The Elero wireless motors are nice because they act like wired motors if driven this way. For the RolMotion series, this is even supported and documented in the manual.

You can even change the endpoints of your blinds using the relays if you have direct control over them. This is also explained in the RolTop manual.

I’m doing basically the same, but with a centralized ESPHome controller.

Hello folks,

Thank you for the very interesting information sharing :pray:

Stupid question (… hope I will not hurt your expertize) - what would happen if the Shelly shutter is installed/plugged in parallel of the RF module ?

To be more explicite, would it be possible to …

  1. … “duplicate” the wires which input the RF and root them to the Shelly shutter connection and then …
  2. … root the outputs of the Shelly on the shutter motor ?

Will such a configuration results in a way to have the the Elero shutter commanded via the 868MHz coming from its original remote-control device OR by any signal from the Shelly module ?

Thanks :wink: