Elero USB Transmitter to control Elero and Weinor products

This is probably the last reply to myself: I gave up with figuring out the protocol…

…because I found another relatively cheap way: I bought a used Mediola AIO Gateway v4 and wrote a simple bridge to MQTT. The limitations of the USB transmitter still apply, but I get a ton of other features at the same time (I have some Somfy RTS blinds and Intertechno switches which are also supported this way).

You need the Mediola app (IQONCTROL or A.I.O. Creator Neo) once to set up the devices, although you could achieve the same effect by issuing HTTP requests. Their API documentation is incomplete, but the basics are there.

I bought a v4 because it seems to be the last model that supports all the devices without in-app purchases.

The mediola2mqtt script is available at my github repository: https://github.com/andyboeh/mediola2mqtt


I found it for sale on those 2 stores in Germany:

I successfully got my elero stick up and running with the elero plugin.
Now I would like to control it through MQTT messages from another actor.
Can somebody help me how to do this?
I specifically would like to send signals to open and close_tilted the covers.

What do you mean exactly, is this other actor already represented in HA or do you want to send control message via MQTT that should open/close the blinds?

In either case, I would go for an automation, but the actual triggers and conditions differ.

The questions I have are of basic HA nature.
(And I see that I wrote “actors” instead of “sensors”, sorry for the confusion :unamused: )

I have some IoT devices (ESP32) which have sensors and buttons which can be used as sensors, eg. to send MQTT messages. I can add those devices to HA and show the sensor/button state as sent through the MQTT messages.
Now I would want to link such state changes to trigger the covers to go Up and down.
I know that I would have to add some automation configs for this, but haven’t yet understand how to do this.

Another thing I want to try is to control the covers using RESTful calls.
Eg. some switches I have can be controlled with curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"entity_id": "switch.sonoff_1000ed1111"}'
But how would the API for the covers look like (URI)? I haven’t found any documentation for this yet.
I can read the covers status with:
url -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
=> Response: /cover.wohnzimmer_storen_links{"entity_id": "cover.wohnzimmer_storen_links", "state": "open", "attributes": {"current_position": 100, "current_tilt_position": 50, "elero_state": "top position stop", "friendly_name": "Wohnzimmer Storen links", "supported_features": 255, "device_class": "window"}, "last_changed": "2021-02-26T10:01:35.945823+00:00", "last_updated": "2021-02-26T10:01:35.945823+00:00", "context": {"id": "a3c88717f2acd66778dbfe92323b8a18", "parent_id": null, "user_id": null}}

But I am not able to set it, eg using following leads to error 400: Bad Request:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"entity_id": "cover.wohnzimmer_storen_links"}'

I got it working now.
In case somebody needs something similar, this is the automation I created:

  alias: 'Wohnzimmer-Storen öffnen'
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: Virtual/Wohnzimmer-Storen-Steuerung
    payload: '0'
  - service: cover.open_cover
    - cover.wohnzimmer_storen_links
    - cover.wohnzimmer_storen_rechts

One then only has to publish the MQTT topic Virtual/Wohnzimmer-Storen-Steuerung with payload 0.

I am new to home assistant, but I have been observing the topic for some time because I have elero blinds. In the meantime, I bought a usb stick, but on the home assistant website in integrations, I currently do not see elero and I think it was a few months ago. Does this integration still work, I need not be afraid? I plan to start soon, is it hard to make it work?

is there any difference what version of the home assistan installation will I choose?

Sorry for my bad english

It is not too complicated and works quite well.

Just follow the readme in https://github.com/W00D00/home-assistant-elero#installation-of-the-lib

Hey. first thanks for this great component!

I still have the issue, that not all covers are created. If I look at the logfile:

AttributeError: 'Window' object has no attribute 'char_current_tilt'
2021-04-01 17:58:10 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.homekit] Failed to create a HomeKit accessory for cover.buro

The office (buro) is not the only one which can’t crate a cover.
Any ideas what this could be?

UPDATE: solved! In the issues in github is a thread where I had to add

          - up
          - down
          - stop
          - set_position
          - open_tilt
          - close_tilt
          - stop_tilt
          - set_tilt_position

Not sure if this has been brought up or fixed yet but FYI:

[33m2021-04-20 12:29:06 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] No 'version' key in the manifest file for custom integration 'elero'. As of Home Assistant 2021.6, this integration will no longer be loaded. Please report this to the maintainer of 'elero'[0m

do I understand correctly that in the new versions, home assistant elero stick will not work at all ??

Well we have 2 months to fix this :smiley:
Hopefully @istvan.szirtes is aware of this.

I hope, I do not have the skills to help with integration but, if necessary I can help financially. For me it is the most important integration and only for this reason I choose home assistant.

as I remember, elero has not been included in integrations on website for several months

Dear All,

I have updated the manifest.json with version (commit). You can update your version with it:


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Thank you so much @istvan.szirtes for maintaining this component! :grinning:

THANK YOU SO MUCH ! :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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You’re very welcome.

I’m glad you found it helpful and use this lib.

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I just installed home assistant and I’m green. I wanted to start with the blinds and I have a problem that the elero stick is not visible in the home assistant logs.
I set it up according to the instructions
default: info
I uploaded files via sambe according to “Installation of the lib”

Should I do anything else? this is my first contact with home assistan and i’m probably doing something wrong

I will be grateful for your help, these questions are probably funny for you :slight_smile:

Hi guys…first of all thanks to @istvan.szirtes for the integration and the contribution. Great stuff!! I am using the integration since quite a bit (>12 months). Since the new HA core upgrade to 2021.6.2 I suffer from quite a long reaction time of the elero commands: from pressing the e.g. “close” command on the HA GUI to the effective execution of the command I experience waiting times of 20 seconds and quite often the command is not executed at all.

When I press the physical button on the elero stick itself, it is all fine and I have an immeditate reaction of the cover.

Do you have a clue what it is?

Thanks for your feedback und regards,

I resolve my problem, best way to find serial number is:

Supervisor > System > Hardware

But now i have the same issue like Aleardo above, plz help :slight_smile: