Elero USB Transmitter to control Elero and Weinor products

…I am getting the error message: “2021-06-07 18:57:00 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.cover] Updating elero cover took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:15”

I also noticed that while waiting for the responses to click on home assistant, the cover does not respond to the physical remote tempotel2

is the option to downgrade home assistant?

I guess we are not the only ones with this issue, hence let us wait and hope that there will be a solution soon…

I noticed the core 2021.6.3 release, does the problem still persist, I do not have access to my HA I am away

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Scared to update now :smiley:
Maybe @istvan.szirtes can shed some light on what’s causing this?

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Oh… so better don’t update for the moment? :frowning:

Hello All,

I’m sorry to hear you’re in trouble.

I haven’t had any similar problems yet, I did not experience any delay. My system is the latest, however a new version arrived just now.

You could create a log and see what’s in it. Maybe we can find something that may indicate the source of the problem.

Since my elero lib we all use hasn’t changed in a while, only the HA side could have changed. I follow the changes in HA development and didn’t notice any dependencies that the Elero part should follow. Nevertheless, anything is possible.

Please make a debug logo and share it with me to look at them.


Hi All,

I have updated my system to the latest version of HA and there is no any issue with it.


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Same here, thank you. :slight_smile:
Everything is working fine. :slight_smile:

Great info, i have to update when i come back home. i Have a question, home assistant should update cover status when i use elero remote pilot like tempotel2 ???

I am not using Tempotel2, but the more simple VARIOTEC 868 as remote control in parallel to this HA integration. After having pressed a button on the hardware remote control, the status is updated in HA automatically after a few seconds.

ok, thanks, mine should also, so maybe it’s connected with issue in 2021.6.2

Hi Istvan, thanks for offering help. I have just updated to 2021.6.3 and there is no difference to the behaviour. I have sent you the log file to your gmail address.


Strange…I have completely re-installed home-assistant 2021.6.3 and was installing the Elero custom component only (naked :slight_smile: ). Same behaviour. So we can exclude that any other component is causing the issue. Next I will install an older version of HA and check the behaviour there. Will let you know…

as it turns out in my case it helped instead of the elero stick plugged directly into pi4, connecting them via a 1m usb cable

I have one more question, can I see a status of each cover in main view no only when i click specific one and open attributes

it would also be nice if the arrows of the intermediate position could also be moved there

Have restored a snapshot from Jan 2021…and also there I experience the same behaviour. Also a USB cable did not solve it. No clue what it is. Can it be the stick? Although when pressing the button on the stick physically I have immediate reaction of the cover :frowning:

OK…I guess I know what it might be. There must be something wrong with the elero cover receiver. When selecting the channel on the VarioTel2 remote, the status light is turning orange and then blinking red, which means that the message from the cover receiver cannot be received.
I guess that HA is waiting for a stauts report and as nothing is coming, the command is delayed.

SOLVED Udpate:

I got it up and running now!! Here the description of the solution of my delay problem:

Some weeks ago I exchanged three covers, including new Elero cover motors. When I programmed the new covers (CH 3 to 5) into the Elero stick, I just followed the normal binding process. I did NOT delete the channels 3 to 5 on the stick beforehand. That means, that I had channel 3 to 5 binded with old receivers, which do not exist anymore, hence there was no answer from the non-existing covers, which caused the delay in reaction in HA.
I now deleted channels 3 to 5 on the stick and binded them freshly - and now it works like a charm again.

Sorry - this was stupid of me and my fault. Sorry that I bothered you guys.
Green light, that the lib is fine :blush:

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Hi All,

All right, I’m relieved :slight_smile: I’m glad the integration is still “bug free” :slight_smile:
I’m glad this turned out because it’s a very useful lesson for all of us. @Aleardo do not consider this to be a mistake. We would never have learned this if you hadn’t gotten into this situation.

Thanks for the root cause analysis and information sharing.

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I’ve been using the integration for about a year now and it works great. The only problem I have is that I had to switch my blinds to Bidirectional Radio System to get it to work, and the external wind/sun sensor is on Unidirectional Radio System so I can’t communicate with it.

Given this sensor is shared with my neighbours so I can’t change can anybody suggest a way to read it’s output to HA?

I have 2 elero covers but I’m unable to find this stick which is not sold anymore. Is there another way to control elero cover from HA?