Elexa Guardian Integration issue and solution

Thanks a lot for including Guardian integration with HA, I was waiting for this for some time.

After updating HA 227, I restarted both HA and Guardian valve and try to add them from the integration tab, but each time it was giving me the unknown error.’

I used the local IP that is permanent for Guardian valve ( and the default port 7777

Kindly share your experience. I am not able to find error logs for this, if you find the error log please share with the owner in Github I create an issue but without the logs it is not possible for them to reproduce.

I can ping Gurardian it works as normal. from the app i can control the valve and new firmware is updated as well.

Elexa Guardian
Unknown error occurred
Configure a local Elexa Guardian device.

IP Address


Simple steps to add your Guardian Valve into Home Assistant

  1. If your GV is the old interface, go to settings of valve and remove it.
  2. On the valve there is a button, hold it for 10 second or till you hear a beep
  3. Now the valve is reset to factory mode
  4. Use an android phone or tablet and Download the Guardian by Elexa beta app for Android ( My IOS app did not work)
  5. The beta app can be downloaded here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.elexausa.guardianapp
  6. Follow the steps to add your valve back to the new beta app, hope they will improve this before 2020 
  7. Once the valve is online try close and open once, if this works from your android app, you are ready to add into HA
  8. Next step is to find out the IP of valve from our router you need this IP to integrate with HA.
  9. From your HA, click on configuration  integrations at the bottom right use the +
  10. In search type Elexa select Elexa Guardian
  11. Type your GV IP, hit enter, within a minute you see it get added