ELIF: how to include my AC power in the Energy stats

ELIF: Explain Like I’m Five, not if-elif haha

The facts are:

  • “recently” I saw an update that included a new “Energy” option in the Home Assistant sidebar
  • that page has a couple of how-to links that don’t explain much, at least on my scenario
  • I have a smart AC unit by LG that includes a “current” sensor (in watts, called sensor.ac_bedroom_energy_current) which seems to float as it’s in use (from 50W to 1580W)

The question is: is it possible to turn that single watts sensor in something usable by the Energy dashboard, which would show me the consumed kWh in the current month, estimated costs, and whatnot? It seems I would need to know the granularity of that data, but this sensor is only updated when the number changes (instead of every X minutes).
Would I need to request a feature to the LG integration to create a statistic on the power consumption, or something on those lines?

Every search I made about this topic seems to end up on a lot of config files (utility_meter?) and more questions/debugging than answers, or other stuff like actual power meters with extra details. Initially I understood that the Energy panel should simplify those things, but I’m not sure if I’m missing something or if it’s just still a bit complicated :sweat_smile:

Thanks for any help

Also, sorry if this is miscategorized/tagged, I didn’t find anything related to the default integrations or energy/power.

The energy dashboard requires energy sensors. You only have power sensors.

You will need to use the Riemann sum integral sensor to integrate power from your sensor with respect to time to obtain an energy sensor you can use in the energy dashboard.

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AWESOME, Tom! I can’t stress this enough hahahah

I’m adding a PR to the help guide on individual devices, linking to this. It’s exactly the piece that was left.
Thank you so much! :tada: