ELK M1 Integration - IP Address Fix?

I recently changed all my network subnet and IP addresses. All integrations adjusted themselves to the new IP addresses, except for the M1 integration. It won’t work because it is still looking for my M1XEP at its old IP address. I am a newb at HA, so forgive my ignorance. But is there a way to edit some file to change the IP address that the integration is using?

Hi ZombieSlug,
(Generally) when that happens you need to adjust parameter in the integrations screen or maybe re-install it there with the new IP. Specifics are dependent on the integration and I personally don’t know that one.
Open your Home Assistant instance and show your integrations.

Thanks, @Sir_Goodenough. I don’t see any way to adjust the IP from the Integration screen. I was trying to avoid a reinstall because I assume that will mess up all my Automations. I was hoping I could edit some file that holds the IP address. I read that may be coded in something like the core.config_entries, but I have no idea how to find and edit that.

If you uses entities in the scripts and automations and keep all the entity names the same, the rest should just work, including history & recorder.

Why and how to avoid device_ids in automations and scripts.

Thanks. I just deleted the old integration and created a new one. All devices and entities were recreated, and everything looks the same. Hopefully all my Automations will still work.

ZombieSlug, did your automations stil work after deleting and re-adding the Elk integration?

I’m in the same situation right now - I switched a bunch of devices from static IPs to DHCP, and the Elk integration is still trying to use the old IP.

And there’s no UI to provide a hostname or IP address. If I remember right, it just discovered the alarm panel automatically when I set it up the first time. It must have saved the IP address somewhere, but I can’t find it.

The IP address is saved in /config/.storage/core.config_entries
After updating the IP address, the Elk integration found the alarm panel again.
That file is not accessible via the file editor add-in, I was only able to access it via the SSH add-in.