ELK M1 Interface

Try the 2022.4.1 release. That’s when the fix was released.

See ELK M1 Interface - #986 by DaveW42

I’m on 2022.4.4 but is there a way to downgrade to 2022.4.1 so we’re sure that nothing was introduced in the latest release?

Open a bug. Include debug logs as described here ELK M1 Interface - #983 by bdraco

We might need to backport Move handling of non-secure login to the elkm1 library by bdraco · Pull Request #69483 · home-assistant/core · GitHub as well (it will be in 2022.5 either way)

@tfmeier Please open a Sign in to GitHub · GitHub with the logs as Glenn suggests so we can tell for sure how to solve the issue you are seeing with the serial connection.

Yes, guys. Just opened that issue on GitHub. This is the first issue I opened for Home Assistant so hopefully I’ve done it correctly. Thanks for your help on this!

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I’ll look at the logs later this morning.

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I have commented on the GitHub issue. Unfortunately the latest core update 2022.4.6 didn’t resolve the issue for me…

Anyone use both the Elk integration AND the M1Cloud?
Can the ElkXEP handle these two connections at once?

Yes, I know that if I am using HA then I shouldn’t ever need the M1Cloud app, but I am not ready to give up the app yet. But before I install and configure the Elk integration, I want to make sure that it won’t knock the cloud off the air. Setting up the M1Cloud app again would be a pain. Both seem to use the same connection method, and both want you to send all activities to them, and I could swear I remember reading that you can only do this with one destination at a time. Has anyone actually tried using both at once?

There is a new Elk “Alarm Engine” coming out “soon”. There’s reference in this tweet and you can see an image on their Facebook page.

If anyone knows more about the Alarm Engine, I’d be glad to hear more!

This seems… overdue. Interesting that they’ve apparently jumped on Z-Wave, if you can believe that one image on Facebook. I wonder if eventually component sourcing considerations forced this product work as much as market drivers did?

@gwww a Google search for Elk E27 Alarm Engine seems to pop up some hits from November 2021 when they did some announcement. A Q&A in this CEPro article mentions Z-Wave, Ethernet and optional Wi-Fi connectivity. And there’s an instruction sheet for a keypad for the new system that shows up as well. Looks like it;s been in beta for some period of time?

It has been 17 years since ELK Products first introduced its M1 platform that still remains one of the most comprehensive security-based smart home control systems. Now, the company is unveiling its new Alarm Engine platform as an IP-based hybrid hardwired and wireless upgrade solution.

Wow, 17 years is longer than I thought!

I have an issue getting my Elk M1 control to work on my main system (Home Assistant running on a VirtualBox VM) and connected to the physical serial port of a Dell OptiPlex 790 with plenty of RAM).

Given there have been issues with VirtualBox supporting serial ports in earlier 6.x versions I wanted to go back to basics and try this on a Raspberry Pi 4 with a USB to Serial interface connecting to the Elk M1. The Elk M1 works fine (had an installer over to check it) and is connected to a Control4 controller atm.

I have never used HA on a Raspberry Pi so I’m pretty clueless on this platform. HA is running on the Pi and I’m ready to add the Elk M1 integration.

What do I need to do to check/setup this USB to Serial interface? I figure I’ll have to use port /dev/ttyUSB0 (no other USB devices connected to the RPi) on the Elk M1 integration once available.

If you Google HASSIO and USB you should find lots of info on how to find the name of your USB port (I’d tell you, but I’ve never done it, so best listen to someone who has). Once you know the name of the USB port on your PI that has the USB to Serial dongle just add the Elk almost like normal. It will be something like what you have (had?) on your Dell box: serial:///dev/usb-xyz. You can configure using YAML or through the HA GUI frontend.

A question though. In our prior conversations on the bug thread I mentioned trying ser2net. Did you try that? It might be the simplest way forward, assuming that the Dell serial interface is really OK and that the problem that you are having is with VirtualBox USB.

I was off HA for a while due to work commitments during which I came up with the idea of simplifying the setup using the Pi to remove a few moving parts of the setup.

The Elk M1 hardware is confirmed ok so if I get it to work on the Pi it’s safe to assume that the issue is with VirtualBox. In fact having read about ser2net I should be able to run ser2net on the Pi and the HA Elk M1 integration on the VirtualBox VM and point the Elk M1 port to the Pi.

First though to get to the Pi…

Could you run ser2net on your Dell box? I believe you said it was running Linux. That would keep your setup simpler.

I haven’t had time to post the details of this quite yet, but I’ve been having problems with the Elk Integration since version 2022.5 went live. When I restore my prior installed version 2022.4.7, everything works fine. However, when I tried to upgrade to 2022.5.1, 2022.5.2, and 2022.5.3, the integration fails with the message “Retrying setup: Timed out connecting to [Elk IP address]”.

In short, if you are on 2022.5, you might want to give 2022.4.7 a shot.


Could you open a bug on Home Assistant and post a debug log. We seem to have something going on that affects certain setups and we haven’t pinned it down. We thought that the .5 release fixed it. Thanks!

Will do, Glenn. And thank you! I was one of the individuals who had issues previously (submitted through github) that were fixed in a later version of the .4 release (I think 2022.4.1). If you look about 30 days back in this thread you will see my posts. I wonder if whatever code was ultimately added at that time (see here) was inadvertently left out of the .5 release. Thanks again.

The code is there. Something about your installation isn’t like the others. At least that was the problem before.

Thanks for pointing me to the previous bug report. I think I know why your installation does not work. Which happens to be the same reason it did not work before… your panel does not send a response to the “get panel version” message, aka the “VN” message.

We use that message as an indicator that we have an operational connection to the panel. That is part of the connection logic to know when we are properly logged in.

Why it is not working now, for you, is that we changed the way we implemented the fix from before, which has reintroduced the problem. So…

Step 1 is reopen the bug from before.
Step 2 is we need a full debug log (using the debug settings in previous post in this thread). Please attach it as a text file to the bug report (i.e.: don’t cut/paste text into a comment). The file will be easier to download and analyze.

I want to hold off fixing this (again) until we understand what is going on with your panel. I don’t want to fix the wrong problem or to introduce a hack to “make” it work when we have not addressed the real problem.

Edit: what version of the ElkM1 firmware are you running? What version of M1XEP are you running?