ELK M1 Interface

Check this thread. ElkM1 Alarm Engine

Not clear if the existing integration will work.

If there’s some tweaking required I’d be interested in updating the integration. If it’s more than tweaking the path is less clear.

It’s not clear if the protocol docs are available.

ELK M1 Gold connected to HA
for some reason getting this signal sent to HA every 30 seconds with no reason ?

no one touching the code pad and no one moving / triigering PIRs.

thoughts / help appreciated

best, Rick

Elk Keypad Keypad 1 pressed USER_CODE_ENTERED (0)

1:47:20 PM - 2 minutes ago

Meteobridge Wind Cardinal changed to SW

1:46:57 PM - 3 minutes ago

Elk Keypad Keypad 1 pressed USER_CODE_ENTERED (0)

1:46:23 PM - 4 minutes ago

Meteobridge Wind Cardinal changed to SSW

1:45:54 PM - 4 minutes ago

Elk Keypad Keypad 1 pressed USER_CODE_ENTERED (0)

1:45:53 PM - 4 minutes ago

Elk Keypad Keypad 1 pressed USER_CODE_ENTERED (0)

1:45:24 PM - 4 minutes ago

Elk Keypad Keypad 1 pressed USER_CODE_ENTERED (0)

1:44:54 PM -

On the Elk device page you can turn off debug logs. Turn them on until you see one of those messages and take a look at the log or post it here.

Thanks ! Away for this week but t will do on return to site !!

I noticed the same log entries in HA:
Elk Keypad Keypad 1 pressed USER_CODE_ENTERED (0)

I’m not seeing them every 30s, but just a few times this morning.
I turned on elk debug logging and will watch…


Thanks Kevin
I’m still seeing them every minute or so in the Log
And the HA debug is not showing them ??
Thoughts appreciated folks

I need to see the debug log along with the HA log showing the messages.

I am updating and setting up an ~10 year old M1 gold and trying to decide between a M1XEP or C1M1.

I want the cellular comms from the C1M1, but can get that via other means if it won’t play nice with HA.

Does the integration with HA work the same for either?

I know little about the C1M1. The Elk integration requires a TCP internet connection between HA and the Elk. If that’s possible with the C1M1 then it should work.

Okay cool. I’m pretty sure it will allow for a TCP.

I’m going to order the C1M1, and report back when I can get it installed in a couple/few weeks.

Reading the tech note it does sound promising. There is mention of strong encryption. That may cause problems. It’s unclear without more detail. The integration does support TLS which is storing.

If you find any other tech notes I’ll take a look at them.

I do have a C1M1 connected to home assistant as well as another M1 connected via the M1XEP and I don’t see any issues. My personal preference would’ve been to do the M1XEP, the site that has the XEP originally had C1M1 and it failed, replacing it was far less expensive using the XEP and separate communicator, also my alarm company prefers this method because if the C1M1 fails the cellular communicator will still work and vice versa.
Thought no additional power cords on the C1M1 makes the installation a lot cleaner.

Looking around I can’t find any way to control the chime function on the M1 is this currently possible?

Hi Rick, did you work this one out in the end? im seeing the same thing in my HA Log.

I suggest opening an issue on GitHub - gwww/elkm1: ElkM1 Python package

Include debug logs. Elk-M1 Control - Home Assistant

It is coded in the base ElkM1 library. There’s no service call in HA that uses it. Pull request welcome!

I am also seeing this User Code 1 error- it’s driving me crazy. How do I stop this? thanks

Elk Keypad KEYPAD 1 pressed USER_CODE_ENTERED (0) what is the cause of this error clogging my log file? thanks