Eltako "Baureihe 14 – RS485" (Enocean) Debugging

Hi all,
sorry for raising maybe some stupid questions. But couldn’t find an answer (maybe I missed it).
I changed from MQTT to the FGW14-USB solution with the eltako integration. Looks much more better.
I installed the add-on and already created virtual devices. example:

  - id: "00-00-00-07"
    name: "Eltako Licht Buero"
    eep: "M5-38-08"
      id: "00-00-B0-07"
      eep: "A5-38-08"

The ID 00-00-B0-07 was added via PCT14 in the FSR with the corresponding channel with command 51.
In PCT14 the FGW14-USB was added, but is EMPTY?!?!? In the ID table no ID was added. The rotary switch is on pos.6: “Bus 14 <==> USB 58K Baud”
I am able to control the light. But I don’t receive any status.
did I miss something?

This is the log info after switching on the light

I only know, that in the MQTT solution I had to check the status from the FSR14 model with its ID. But I thought this is here not necessary because of using “51 controller function”. Or am I wrong?


Edit: I see @Vinnovic had a similar problem. But if I understood correctly, it was a wrong ID in the actuator. Or what was the exact issue?

Hello @Stroett,

yes, I configured like you assumed. Actually, FSR14 is sending response status after you pressed the button.
When you press the button is the switch reacting without sending the status or is it also not reacting?
What you could check is:

  • On which position is FAM14? I have it on BA=2. 4 is checking frequently for status and puts it on the bus.
  • Is FSR14 set two times on auto?

Problem solved. Thanks to @philipp14 !!!
You need to use the address from the eltako modules for the virtual device in HA.
Means for example light from living room has the address “12” assigned in the FAM14, you need to use “00-00-00-0C” as virtual device.

Hope this helps somebody.

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Hi @philipp14,

first of all, thanks a lot for the integration and all the effort, I really appreciate it!

So far I got my lights via FAM14 and FSR14 to work and integrated into HomeKit. Where I am struggling is with covers (FSB14). The entities appear, but when I trigger an action, nothing happens.

This is an example entry for the FSB address 44 in my configuration.yaml:

    - id: "00-00-00-2C"
      name: "Rolladen Arbeitszimmer rechts"
      eep: "G5-3F-7F"
        id: "00-00-B1-2C"
        eep: "H5-3F-7F"
      time_closes: 25
      time_opens: 25
      device_class: shutter

I added the virtual sender in PCT14 to the actor like this

Where I am not sure is the source config for the covers. I already tried a couple of options, but nothing worked.

Maybe someone who has managed to get the covers to work can help.

Thanks a lot,

Looks like you need to use function 31 for your virtual sender in PCT14. In German it is called “Fahrkommandoit Zeitwertübergabe vom Controller”.

Thanks for the quick reply. That actually did the trick - but only if the covers are open. I can close them, but it seems I don’t get any state change back from the actors. It just stays in closing state or switches back to open. So opening them doesn’t work.

I will try to further analyze it.

I am happy to see there is finally a working integration for Eltako. Last time I checked there was none unfortunately so I had to use FHEM and forward the enocean devices via MQTT. Unfortunately since a few weeks the state of the devices it not always sent.
Time to switch to the HA Eltako integration. From what I read USB300 is not working. I only have the FAM14 but that is not stable to use from what I have read? Seems like I have to add an FGW14-USB to my Eltako devices. Is this easy to do by my self?

@philipp14 Once I have the setup working I could send you my USB300 if you want it for testing.

Hello @Hersfeld,

yes USB300 is not supported yet. There is bigger effort for investing into a ESP3 to ESP2 translation because all the eltako devices only support the old EnOcean protocol standard. Can you check if your USB300 supports ESP2 as well? Is there maybe a software switch or sometime such devices provide just two serial ports.

I wanted to add teach-in buttons so that you can send tech-in telegrams out of Home Assistant. For me that would be really nice, especially for all the actuators and controllers which are not physically connected to FAM14. In my case I want to teach-in the temperature controller for heating in Home Assistant to the physical temperature controller in the room (FUTH). Then those two guys wouldn’t overwrite the states and sync instead. The button already exists … see docs. It took quite long until I realized that teach-in telegram don’t go out into the radio network and just stay on the bus. Unfortunately, FAM14 und FGW14-USB filter out teach-in telegram and don’t send them into the air. I purchased FAM-USB to get an wireless transmitter supporting ESP2 with the hope that it behaves like FGW14-USB when I plug it into Home Assistant. Turned out wrong.
At least I could use WinEtel to send arbitrary messages and could see that the teach-in telegram in general works.
Current state: I’m about to make FAM-USB compatible with Eltako Integration maybe would have been better to purchase USB300 or any other ESP3 transmitter and to develop the ESP3 to ESP2 translation.
I’ve read that some people had to flash old firmwares onto FAM-USB to make it compatible. :grimacing:
Regarding lending USB300: :+1: Yes would be cool but first I want to finish the integration for heating and cooling.

Actually I’m also running out of address space with FAM14. Do you guys have experience with operating two FAM14 hat the same time. Tech-support told me it can be extended because they have different base ids. It’s a bit hard for me to believe. We will see a second-hand one is on the way. :slight_smile:
This that maybe we need support for more than one gateway :crazy_face:


  • FAM-USB is working now. Checkout how to configure it.
  • More than one FAM14s can be operated in parallel. Currently eltako integration does not support it but shouldn’t be that big effort.

Update: Was able to get FAM-USB running in read-only mode. Sending telegrams is not working yet.

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Hi all,

I am very new in this topic. I am usinf fhem with enocean for several years with an USB300 a FAmM4 and and different RS485 Devices (FSR14-4x, FTS14-EM).

I have connected the USB300 to HA and it is working, but I do not understand how I can add the FTS14-4x and the EM. Can someone please help me here?

I gues the ETS14-4x has to be configured as an Switch and the Em as an binary_sensor but what is ment with id and sender_id ? I am confused.

Nothing is discovered automatically!

Hello @Spartacus,

have you checked out the documentation?

In this thread we are using mainly the home-assistant-eltako integration which is more or less a successor and much more advanced. Unfortunately, it does not yet support USB300. Here is an overview about the supported gateways.

Support for USB300 is wished but for me personally it has no high prio. Of course you are welcome to contribute.

Hi philipp14,

thanks for reply. I found the issue with the USB300. It has an conflict with the rademacher integration on USB device-Level. Due to the fact, that HA is running in a VM on my Qnap, it seems to be that this issue cannot be solves. The USB300 is available in HA but I have communication errors.

Nevertheless, I also woud like to integrate the RS485-BUS directley and I saw, that I can connect the FAM14 via USB with the eltako integration. Is there anythig to consider before I connct the FAM14 to HA via USB? And what are your experiences with the FAM 14? Does it make sense to buy a USB GW for the RS485-Bus? Or os the FAm14 sufficiant?

Thanks for support,

Moin, moin,

seems to be that I am doing something wrong! I have connected FAM14 and it was bound to HA

Then Iadd the following code into configuration.yaml:

    - id: FF-A2-BD-83                 # address (HEX) 
      eep: F6-02-01                   # Supported EEP telegrams: F6-02-01, F6-02-02, F6-10-00, D5-00-01, A5-08-01
      name: "Gaszähler"               # optional: display name

the id is the address from the FTES14 Channel which is configured in fhem via the USB300 connection . So it shoud work.

In HA I do not see any device and there is also no error in the log. So what is going wrong here?

In debug mode I can see the following messages:
2023-12-03 17:09:02.345 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c'>
But what does it mean?

Hello @Spartacus,

like you did I also would start with what you have. Like described here in gateway docs is see the main reason in more traffic from FAM14 and FGW14-USB has the better USB connector but actually there is no real difference.

Sorry there was a copy&past mistake in the config description of FAM14. Just take 00-00-00-83 if 83 is in HEX. PCT14 shows the addresses in DEZ. This means you need to convert the base to 16 => 83 DEZ = 53 HEX and then you need to enter 00-00-00-53.

sorry, I am too stupid for that! I changed the BA-Mode of FAM14 from 5 to 2 and I receive some messages:

2023-12-03 17:36:47.929 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05'>

2023-12-03 17:36:47.944 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message '8b 05 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 30'>

2023-12-03 17:36:47.993 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06'>

2023-12-03 17:36:47.993 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message '8b 05 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 30'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.057 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.057 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message '8b 05 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 30'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.120 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.121 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message '8b 05 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 30'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.168 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.184 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message '8b 05 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 30'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.233 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.233 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message '8b 05 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 30'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.297 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0b'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.297 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message '8b 05 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0b 30'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.360 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c'>

2023-12-03 17:36:48.361 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message '8b 05 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 30'>

But the device Gaszähler is not created in HA.

I also changed the configuration.yaml into:

 # gateway:
 #   device: fam-usb           # Supported gateways: gam14, fgw14usb, fam-usb
 #   serial_path: "/dev/serial/by-id/ usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A402VJ1A-if00-port0"   # example value
    - id: 00-00-00-53                 # address (HEX) 
      eep: F6-02-01                   # Supported EEP telegrams: F6-02-01, F6-02-02, F6-10-00, D5-00-01, A5-08-01
      name: "Gaszähler"               # optional: display name

or did I misunderstood your post to convert the id into 53HEX?
I also tried 83 and no sensor is created in HA.

I checked several settings of FAM14 BA=2, BA=4, BA=5. Nothing works with HA. In BA5 I am connected to fhem via radio and in fhem everything is working.

Messages from the FAM14 came in but no devices will be created in HA

again me!
So I opened PCT14 (last time I did this is 10 years ago!). Interessting is that the FTS14 EM is not visible in PCT14. I only can see the FSR-14. Maybe my devices are too old!

In oder to make this working with HA. How do I calculate the FSR-14 addresses for HA? In fhem it seems to be different!

…a few hours later:

I havn´t yet understood how this works! What exactley do I have to configure in PCT14 to establish the connection to HA and how do I configure the address 11 from the 3rd FSR14 (screenshot above)? What is the ID and the sender ID in my example? Sorry, I am totaly confused!

    - id: 00-00-00-01           # address (HEX) 
      eep: M5-38-08             # Supported EEP telegrams: A5-38-08, M5-38-08
      name: FSR14_4x - 1        # optional: display name
      sender:                   # virtual switch in Home Assistant.
        id: 00-00-B0-0B         # every sender needs it's own address which needs to be entered in PCT14 / actuator with function group 51 for FSR14.
        eep: A5-38-08

Hello @Spartacus,

it is correct FTS14EM is not listed. Its acts as sensor and not as actuator. There is also no need to be listed because it cannot receive commands or hold states.

Depending on the rotary switches it uses different addresses to send out the status of the connected switches: See eltako docs.

In your light example I would use 00-00-B0-01 instead of 00-00-B0-0B to get not confused with the mapping to the id. More important is that you have entered the sender-id into function group 2 in PCT14.

Good morning,

thank you very much for your support, but it seems to be not working. I entered the 00-00-B0-01 for the light example, but nothing happens in HA. No devices are created.

From the beginning:

  • I am using the RS484 Devices via USB300 over the radio via FAM14. The FAM 14 is in BA=5.
  • I connected the USB to HA and the connection is estableshed
  • In PCT14 I can see the addresses from the thre FSR-14-Devices (Adr. 1-12).
  • The FTS-14EM is not visible

From Fhem I know the Address of the FTS14-EM which were sent via FTS14-FA

  • FFA2BD81
  • FFA2BD82
  • FFA2BD83
  • FFA2BD87
  • FFA2BD88
  • FFA2BD89
  • FFA2BD8A

What is ment ith the sender ID in Function Group 2?

What do I have to enter in the Table below?
Is it correct, that the address of the FTS14-EM on the RS485-Bus is HEX81-HEX 8A or how can I address the inputs over the USB Connection of the FAM14?

After a hold-up for a couple of weeks I’m back trying to get this going again.
I managed to get a FGW14-USB and connected it to bus of my “old” FSR12 installation.
I made sure that this is used as gateway for the Eltako-intergration.
I put one light in the configuration to do some testing.

    device: fgw14usb
    #device: enocean-usb300
    - id: "FF-8C-E8-82"
      name: buitenlamp
      eep: "M5-38-08"
          id: "FF-8C-E8-82"
          eep: "A5-38-08" #"F6-02-01"

The logging says it is sending something.

2023-12-04 20:36:47.179 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [eltako] Send message: <Regular4BSMessage from ff 8c e8 82, data 02 64 00 09, status = 0x00> - Serialized: a55a6b0702640009ff8ce88200d6

But nothing happens. Also nothing on the Serial port monitor which is running to see what happens on the bus.
And when I send something on the bus with my old FHEM system I see this in the monitor but nothing in the logging from HA.

Can somebody tell me how to get the FGW14-USB running so I shows what is on the bus and in what position do I have to set the switch to “translate” between 12 adn 14 series?

BTW I use a FAM-USB to send the messages to the FAM12RS which is connect to the bus. So I theory I can test both ESP2 and ESP3 since I also have a USB300 and the FGW14 connected to the same bus.

it seems that you are struggling with the same issues. What I have understood is that you cannot use the same addresses that you used in fhem. I used fhem via FAM14 and the radio interface to connect to a busware enocean USB300. But if you connect directly to the RS485 bus, you obviously have to use the internal addresses. In my case these are addresses 1-12. (HEX 0001…HEX 000C for the FTS14 actuators. I don’t know how to find out the addresses of the input module.FTS14-EM… So I have not really an idea for the next steps.

Hopefully there is someone here in the forum who can tell us how to setup the eltako integration step by step.
