Eltako "Baureihe 14 – RS485" (Enocean) Debugging

First I need the FGW14 to get working so I see the messages that are on the RS485 bus in my logging.
From there I can start debugging.
Does it need to be programmed with a (base)adress like the USB300 had to?


that was quite easy with my FAM14… Just connect it via USB to HA, get the USB-Port with:
ls -l /dev/serial/by-id
looks like:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Dec 4 20:48 usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A402VJ1A-if00-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB2
and start the integration on HA. You will be asked for the port. Just enter the port and it should connect.
usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A402VJ1A-if00-port0. I saw in the posts, that a reboot of the server is important. For me that works fine and in debug mode I can see some data comming in. I tried to configure some the actors in the configuration.yaml, but HA does not bind them and I get an error. I think, that I use a wrong address.

You do not need to add any addresses in HA, but I saw that a sender address has to be configured in PCT14…but not really sure, if this is the case. The documentation I found is not very clear at this point what is ment by “sender” and by “id” and how this is calculated.

Here is, what I actually receive from the FAM14, when I switch on the Debug mode:

2023-12-05 11:55:52.081 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01'>
2023-12-05 11:55:52.129 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02'>
2023-12-05 11:55:52.177 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03'>
2023-12-05 11:55:52.225 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04'>
2023-12-05 11:55:52.272 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05'>
2023-12-05 11:55:52.321 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06'>
2023-12-05 11:55:52.385 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07'>
2023-12-05 11:55:52.433 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08'>
2023-12-05 11:55:52.480 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09'>
2023-12-05 11:55:52.529 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a'>
2023-12-05 11:55:52.577 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0b'>
2023-12-05 11:53:50.490 DEBUG (MainThread) [eltako] Received message: <ESP2Message 'ab fc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c'>

…and you can see the internal FSR-14 channel-address (1-12), n the end of each line. But I do not understand the beginning of the line which begins with “ab fc” maybe this is the address of the sender…

What I also do not understand, is that option:

if this means, that devices are autodiscovered, than I think, there is something wrong with my connection to the FAM14, because no devices are there and what also not works is creating devices in configuration.yaml. It is totally unclear for me and understandable why I can see the addresses in the debug but in HA no device can be connected.

Guten Abend,

…ich bin etwas weiter…

I have now some sensors and a switch in HA, but it is not working correctley.


    device: fam14
    - id: 00-00-10-03                # address (HEX) 
      eep: F6-02-01                  # Supported EEP telegrams: F6-02-01, F6-02-02, F6-10-00, D5-00-01, A5-08-01
      name: "Gaszähler"               # optional: display name
    - id: 00-00-10-04                # address (HEX) 
      eep: F6-02-01                  # Supported EEP telegrams: F6-02-01, F6-02-02, F6-10-00, D5-00-01, A5-08-01
      name: "IR"                     # optional: display name
    - id: 00-00-10-01                # address (HEX) 
      eep: F6-02-01                  # Supported EEP telegrams: F6-02-01, F6-02-02, F6-10-00, D5-00-01, A5-08-01
      name: "Reed"                     # optional: display name
    - id: 00-00-00-01           # address (HEX) die aktoradresse 
      eep: M5-38-08             # Supported EEP telegrams: A5-38-08, M5-38-08
      name: FSR14               # optional: display name
      sender:                   # virtual switch in Home Assistant.
        id: 80-00-00-01         # every sender needs it's own address which needs to be entered in PCT14 / actuator with function group 51 for FSR14.
        eep: F6-02-01           # F6-02-01

I can see the switch in HA and if I switch it over fhem, I can see the status in HA, but I cannot switch it from HA.
I can also see the binary_sensors but I do not receive any data.

What I did…
I checked the rotary switch of the EM and I am using Group 1 for UT, means addresses between 0x1001…0x1010. The id is then 1001 to 1004 for the first 4 channels.

I checked PCT14 and saw, that there are HEX-Addresses for CH1 to CH4 with the following IDs: 80 00 00 01to 80 00 00 04 for the first FSR14

This is representing the sender-ID. The “ID” seems to be the channel which is shown under “Kanal” in the screenshot.

My question is now: what is wrong with the setup for the switch due to the fact, that I cannot switch it over HA, and why do I not get any states for the FTS14 EM

anyone an idea?
I checked FAM14, on BA=5,4 and 2.

What I also noticed is, that HA needs a reboot if you disconect the USB although the connection is displayed as established in HA… This is what I have overseen in the documentation

I did some more investigation and think this is why your system work and mine doesn’t (yet!!)

Al the messages send and received are communicated via the bus in the BR14 system.
Message send by button or FAM14 → BR14-bus → FGW14-USB → HA

What I have to get working is
Message send by button or old FHEM → RsA / RsB bus → transfer internally in FGW14 → BR14-bus → FGW14-USB ->HA

After some reading I connected the Hold of the FGW14-USB to +12v and now whenever I send a telegram via my old FHEM system the red light of the FAM12 blinks (so it receives the message, which I also see on the Serial port monitor) and the green light of the FGW14-USB also blinks. From this I conclude that it also sees the telegram. But there is nothing in the logging from HA.

…it is a very complicated matter!

But for me, also nothing works. The only thing is, I can see the the sensors and i receive some staates from the FSR14, but I cannot control anything! Not sure, If the tlegrams are wrong, or if O need to modify anything in PCT14!

It’s very tedious and I’m only making slow progress. I’m thinking of switching off the whole bus and looking for alternatives that are easier to integrate into HA. I’m still not sure whether the whole thing is practicable via USB anyway, as my server is a few meters away from the control cabinet. I’ve already installed a few Shelly actuators, but I havn´t found suitable devices for inputs. hopefully someone can help to get the rest to fly…

here what I receive in HA, if I turn the switch via fhem

2023-12-05 21:04:22.446 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [eltako] Send message: <RPSMessage from 80 00 00 01, db0 = 10, status = 0x30 (T2, N, 0 repetitions)> - Serialized: a55a6b0510000000800000013031
2023-12-05 21:04:22.446 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [eltako] Send message: <RPSMessage from 80 00 00 01, db0 = 00, status = 0x30 (T2, N, 0 repetitions)> - Serialized: a55a6b0500000000800000013021

maybe someone understands, what this means.

…last action for today!

I have recorded the activities for FSR14-4x and FTS14 EM via PCT14. As you can see, the addresses for the FTS seems to be correct in my config.

on Nr. 5 you can see the 1001 which I have configured as the Reedkontakt in my config.

    - id: 00-00-10-03                # address (HEX) 
      eep: F6-02-01                  # Supported EEP telegrams: F6-02-01, F6-02-02, F6-10-00, D5-00-01, A5-08-01
      name: "Gaszähler"               # optional: display name
    - id: 00-00-10-04                # address (HEX) 
      eep: F6-02-01                  # Supported EEP telegrams: F6-02-01, F6-02-02, F6-10-00, D5-00-01, A5-08-01
      name: "IR"                     # optional: display name
    - id: 00-00-10-01                # address (HEX) 
      eep: F6-02-01                  # Supported EEP telegrams: F6-02-01, F6-02-02, F6-10-00, D5-00-01, A5-08-01
      name: "Reed"                     # optional: display name

and on Nr.6 you can see, that this is the address of the fTS14-FA because I am using it via radio for fhem.

I think, there is something wrong with my FAM14 connection, because I do not get the data in HA. The only thing which I can change is that I change the BA-Mode again to 2 and to 4 with rebooting after every change…but I guess, that this is not the solution. Maybe it has something to do with the ORG-Hex in column2, who knows! So if someone has an idea how and what I can modify, please let me know, “I am with my Latein am Ende!” :slight_smile:

Hello @Spartacus,

I’ve tried you configuration with sender 80 00 00 01 in my working setup with FAM14 connected. You are right there seems to be a bug some where.
What you can try out is to use a light instead. It is actually the same behavior.

  - id: 00-00-00-01
    eep: M5-38-08
    name: FSR14
      id: 80-00-00-01
      eep: A5-38-08

This worked for me.

In the meantime I will check where the problem with the switch is.

Hi Philipp,

you made my day! Indeet, this works well with HA! Do you also have a clue why the FTS14-EM will not work? This is much more important for me that the FSR14 implementation. I think, there is something wrong with the addressing but to be honest, I do not have any ideas what I should do!

…me again.
I saw in a different forum, that the telegramms for the FTS14-EM will not be send out over the FAM-USB. I also tried to use the FTS14-FA addresses for HA, but it also does not work. If this is true, it would be the end of my enocean world, unless there is an IP-GW that supports the RS485-BUS and therefore also transmits the FTS14EM signals. If so, I would still invest in that, otherwise I would dismantle the Eltako installation. Maybe someone knows more about it.

Hello together,

I am struggeling a bit with the auto detect feature. I installed the home-assistant-eltako integration and got it working. I also manged to manually set-up some switch entities and control them via HA.

However, I can’t get the auto detection feature to work as described here:https://github.com/grimmpp/home-assistant-eltako/tree/main/eltakodevice_discovery

I managed to install the eltako 14 bus library (but I manually needed to change the link from #egg=eltakobus to #egg=eltako14bus). The former gave me error messages, the latter worked.

But I can’t run the command:
python3 ha_discovery.py --verbose --eltakobus /dev/ttyUSB0 --output ha.yaml --offset-sender-address 0x0000B000.

If I try, I get the following failure message:
python3: can’t open file ‘/homeassistant/ha_discovery.py’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Which part of the setup did I miss? I think I followed every step described in the documentation, but maybe I made a mistake somewhere.

Any help is welcome :slight_smile:


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Hello @Spartacus,

I’ve double checked! You are right. :frowning: I actually do have the same issue with teach-in telegrams. Those can also not been sent out from HA via FGW14-USB or FAM14. So I’ve planned to use more than one gateway, one connected via cable and one wireless to cover all scenarios. I’m actually preparing the integration so that you can have as many gateway as you wish from any type.

My second choice would have been HomaticIP and the integration is already really greate but I really like the wireless and no-battery rocker switches so much. :heart_eyes:

IP-GW would be very nice as well. I still would assume it behaves like FGW14-USB which would mean you cannot send fake button signals or teach-in telegrams.
The ones I’ve found also only support telegrams for electricity meter.

In such case I ask tec-support which is very great at Eltako: [email protected]

Hi Philipp,

what I did in the last few month was, that I have implemented mqtt on my fhem server (raspberry) and the server publishes the etako integration to HA. This works but rebooting HA gets the inputs of the FTS14EM as an unknow status. Therefore I wanted to have the eltako stuff in HA. I follow a new approach in fhem to implement a handshake between HA and fhem, every time when HA is up and running it will request a mqtt publish via fhem . Not sure if this works, I will try this.

The next option is to witch off eltakto and to replace them with these devices. They work really great but there is no alternative for the FTS14FM. And if you like the the wireless and no-battery rocker switches, have a look at this. I am using this as well and it works much better than the enocean switches because zigbee is a mesh network.

Hi guys,
I’m totally new to the eltako world. We’re planning to integrate a Multisensor MS into home assistant on a yellow and later in a VM on a Synology DS723+. We would really appreciate some confirmation or recommendation about the most simple way to wirelessly connect.

Am I right that actually the FAM-USB should be the gateway of choice?
(USB 300 not yet working)

Is it possible to integrate the MS wirelessly via an already installed FWS61 and the FAM-USB?

Are there additional eltako modules necessary?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Hi all,

I have noticed a problem since a couple of weeks. The integration seems to crash after some random time.
The logs show that when I switch on a light the message is sent but the light does not turn on. So it seems that there is no communication with the FGW14-USB.
If I reset home assistant it works again for some random time. And if I disconnect the power supply, wait for 10seconds and let ha reboot it seems to keep working a lot longer.

Has anyone had this problem ?

Hello @elibl,

FAM-USB is support and USB300 NOT!

What you need is:


  • I really like FAM-USB you could also buy the enocean switches and react on those in HA without having Eltako actuators. In general it es very easy to extend with decentralized sensors and actuators.
  • One downside of FAM-USB is that you do not see telegrams on wired RS485 bus if you have one. This mainly affects FTS14EM. But multi-gateway support is almost release ready and then you can connect as many gateways you like. See also: Supported Gateways. In this branch mulit-gateway support already works.
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Hello @Vinnovic,

in general it should work stable but it has not yet a re-connection of the serial port. This means if there are hiccups or interference then the gateway cannot automatically reconnect.

Restart definitely fixes the problem. Maybe a reload of the gateway entity is already enough. Unfortunately, I cannot test is in my setup. There is actually a difference btw. loosing the USB port and message problems.

Hello @Spartacus,

What I’ve achieved now is that you can specify as many gateways as you like. In my test I have FAM14, FGW14-USB and USB-FAM connected to the same server on which HA is running. For testing FAM14 and FGW14-USB is connected on the same RS485 bus. You can then define your devices under different gateways (new config structure) also multiple times. (Makes actually no sense but is works :slight_smile: ) The devices disappear then many time in HA with different ids and are synchronized automatically because every gateway is updating its devices. …

Binary sensors like FTS14EM are sending HA events which you can e.g. use in automations.

In addition for the climate entity you can specify a foreign base_id of a different gateway for the heating mode switch so that those telegrams can be consumed from a different gateway. This works also via HA events. Detailed docs are here. (Need to be revised.)

Plan is to send more events in HA so that you can better cross use commands and sensor message. I also want to support hidden button combinations which can trigger actions via automations. Combination of events in this way is unfortunately not supported by HA.

In your case you could use FTS14EM + FGW14-USB to receive the telegrams of switches in HA. Then you can extend it with e.g. FAM-USB to receive all the decentralized devices.

I will need mulit-gateway support to extend the address range. I will have 2x RD485 buses with FGW14-USB and FAM-USB for decentralized actuators. Maybe I will replace it in future through USB300 which is not yet supported.

Hi philipp14,

thank you very much for your feedback. You’ve done a great job, but the configuration sounds very complex and complicated. For me, this means that I need an additional GW. The cable tangle between HA and the distribution cabinet is also not so easy to solve for me. To be honest, I’m currently trying to install an alternative solution with Shelly and if that’s working smooth, eltako is history!

I will keep you in loop!

Hey @Spartacus,

thanks! I mean most important is that it fits best into your situation and meets your needs!

Hi phillip14,
Seems like a bug has crept in since the latest update. A problem with the covers.
Or does something need to be changed in the config?


Hello @netzgauner,
There are two breaking changes: https://github.com/grimmpp/home-assistant-eltako/blob/509eb0e585ce98300613f36b21e2d5fa5081d61d/changes.md

Unfortunately, they were needed to introduce the new features.
You need now ‘gateway’ section and in there ‘devices’. Under devices you can copy your existing config. See doc here: https://github.com/grimmpp/home-assistant-eltako/blob/509eb0e585ce98300613f36b21e2d5fa5081d61d/docs/update_home_assistant_configuration.md

Please, let me know if that works for you.