Embed tabs from a dashboard to another


It will be great if a feature like “embed tabs” will exist in Home Assistant.

Let’s say that I have 3 dashboards. First dashboard is general with all the tabs configurated, Second dashboard will have 2-3 different tabs + 3 tabs from the first dashboard, Third dashboard will have 2-3 different tabs + 1 tab from the second dashboard and 2 tabs from the first dashboard.

I want to embed tabs from a dasboard to another, only to not lose time in changing every tab manually. With this feature, you only change the settings from one tab and the result will be shown in all the embedded tabs.

Imagine that you will have a general dashboard with all the tabs needed, then you just embed the existing tabs to other dashboards.

When I stard with Home Assistant, I thought that this feature already exist…

Hope it will be integrated soon

Don’t forget to vote for you own feature request.

I believe this might be possible with lovelace in yaml mode using things like !include.

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Thanks for the vote tip.

I found something, but it is way too much complicated… Using only Yaml for lovelace, I feel as a hard pain :slight_smile:

They should add something simple