Emby problem

Hey there,

I recently added the Emby component and it works. But I’ve got a problem. I run Emby on my NAS. But I don’t run it at 24/7. If Emby runs and I restart Home Assistant the Emby media players are visible in Home Assistant. For example I’ve got a Chromecast running and if I stream something via Emby the media_player shows the right results (media content). But if the NAS is offline and therefore Emby is not accessible the Emby media_players are hidden in Home Assistant. If I turn the NAS back on, the media players don’t show up in HA. I need to restart HA then the media players are visible. Is there a possibility to make the media player visible all the time? If Emby is not accessible it shows state off?

I added the media player to customize.yaml

  friendly_name: Emby for Chromecast
  hidden: false

but it didn’t worked. Next possibility is to use the Chromecast media attributes but if I stream with Emby there are no information like title, media content type etc… I need this information to set up automation for my multimedia.

Maybe someone has an idea?

Thanks in advance


up, got the same problem