I used Emoncms History to send a couple of sensors data to emoncms. I then tried to add more sensor data to the whitelist, but only 2 of the new sensors are showing up in emoncms. Any Ideas please?
api_key: <my_api_key>
inputnode: 99
scan_interval: 10
- sensor.wiser_heating_operation_mode
- sensor.wiser_heating
- sensor.wiser_heating_2
- sensor.wiser_lts_heating_demand_channel_1
- sensor.wiser_lts_heating_demand_channel_3
- climate.wiser_kitchen
- climate.wiser_lounge
- sensor.ovo_last_electricity_cost
- sensor.ovo_last_electricity_reading
- sensor.my_electricity_unit_cost
Some of the entities not showing in emoncms:
Inputs coming across into emoncms:
I don’t see any errors in HA → System → Logs
Thanks for your help.