I know there has been a million and one posts about this, and I tried multiple work arounds, including buying a echo dot 2, but Im not able to discover the emulated hue with alexa, I even try the alexa v1 setup and still no go, not able to discover anything.
Interesting enough, on the same network but a different amazon account, I have dot 4 and initially it was able to discover devices(oh about 1 year ago, and god knows how many HA versions ago), and it still works, still able to control and I think finds new devices…
What can I possible do ? I dont want to expose my HA instance via port 443, and trying to avoid to pay for the cloud…
I think I even see it in mdns (altho it could be my v2 hub, not sure yet)
Browsing for _hue._tcp
DATE: —Mon 30 Oct 2023—
20:47:58.920 …STARTING…
Timestamp A/R Flags if Domain Service Type Instance Name
20:47:58.921 Add 2 6 local. _hue._tcp. Hue Bridge - 336C6B
This is what Im currently on.
Home Assistant 2023.10.5
Supervisor 2023.10.1
Operating System 11.1
Frontend 20231005.0 - latest
Is new setup for emulated_hue not possible at all now ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!