Emulate virtual e1.31 or Wled 1 pixel lights with existing RGB Bulb integrated in HASSIO

Hello Everyone,
Does anyone know if it is possible to emulate a virtual E1.31/Wled light from an existing RGB light entity?
I know that those effect only work on adressable leds but on esphome it is possible to virtually create a 1 pixel Wled/E1.131 light that you can then control via Ledfx and apply musical effects.
Thats really cool !

  - platform: rgbw
    id: rgb_bulb
    name: "Light bulb"    
    red: red_channel
    green: green_channel
    blue: blue_channel
    white: white_channel
- platform: partition
    name: "rgb_bulb"
      - single_light_id: rgb_bulb
      - wled:
      - e131:
          universe: 1
          channels: RGB

I would like to do this directly in home assistant and not esphome since all my light bulbs are not on esphome firmware!
Thanks in advance for any suggestions :slight_smile:


I know this is a bit old but I have the exact same question! @Gussir did you come up with any solutions for using HA lights on LedFX?