Emulated Hue Alexa connect?


I’m encountering a hang in finalizing the Emulated Hue Alexa integration. Cannot get Alexa app to find the virtual Hue bridge and then be able to discover Insteon devices.

It seems where I’m hung up is most guides or youtube vids are describing V1 which has been discontinued for V2.

On Alexa app I’ve tried Add new device → Hub → Other → Discover

Add new device → Hub → Phillips Hue → cloud account login → Discover

On PC alexa.amazon.com → SmartHome → Discover

All returning nothing found. I’m remote and have been contacting home owner to do scans via the Alexa app on the same network as I believe discovery would not work on my phone away from there network.

I’ve got Emulated Hue with configuration.yaml set. Port 80. Devices setup with entity IDs.

http://HASERVER/description.xml - Returns proper xml. , Model Philips hue bridge 2015

However http://HASERVER/description.xml/api/pi/lights returns:
[{“error”: {“address”: “/lights”, “description”: “unauthorized user”, “type”: 1}}]
It would seem V2 now has some authentication that previous V1 did not?

What I’m not entiriely clear about is the Emulated Hue integration with its pairing feature. I’ve had linking mode enabled when trying to discover yet not sure if this is even required as previous guides I followed don’t mention this setup. Believe its for actual Phillips hue devices?

Anybody that has success with v2 elaborate on the Alexa app device add and discovery? Thank you.

Also - FYI one thing maybe different with this install as I’m using Godaddy DNS addon. Lets Encrypt cert + Home Assistant UI on port 443

Been a while since I’ve done this, but I believe that you must choose the Hue Hub V1 from the Alexa app when trying to discover devices. Only one version of the Hub works for the emulator.

Thanks. Yes this is what most guides mention however it would appear that the V1 is removed?

When selecting Add device → Hub → Phillips Hue there is no extra choices. It just jumps to enabling linking + Alexa skill. Which is requiring a Phillips hue cloud account. Which I created and then tested a discovery. No go.

Perhaps I’m blind but don’t see how to select a V1 hub option

Select add a lightbulb first, then Phillips Hue and NO to the Bluetooth question.


Ahhh. Not hub first - light bulb first.
I tried remotely with Alexa app connected to their account. No go.
I’ll get in contact with owner on same network as home assistant server and try a light bulb scan.

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Tried with Alexa app on same network as HA server.
Still not discovering anything with the bulb → Phillips hue → V1 hub.

This is the Emulated hub using which says fully emulates v2

All the guides I’ve come across mention using http://HASERVER/api/pi/lights
Which should return back a list of devices configured in configuration.yaml
However with this install I’m getting whats appears to be a authentication error. Not sure if this is related to no device discovery?
[{“error”: {“address”: “/lights”, “description”: “unauthorized user”, “type”: 1}}]

I’ve always followed this guide that’s official.


I never bothered with any special setups to run my setup using my own certs. If you get them into Alexa, you can control devices out of the home from within that app anyway.

I eventually have up on the Emulated Hue setup because it would randomly lose devices. I did have about 75 devices at the time. I now just use Nabu Casa for remote control and Alexa/Google.

Oh, one thing you likely tried, but you have to restart Home Assistant in order for it to work.

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Emulated hue is built into HA core, you don’t need to install a separate addon.

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Thanks I reviewed before but overlooked I was using the old URL for test that had from another guide.

The proper one is /api/v2/lights. Still wouldn’t work though.

Then after wuench pointed out emulated hue is native I shutdown emulated hue addon and now /api/v2/lights returns back my configured devices.

Restarted HA.

Attempted rescan via Bulb → Phillips Hue → V1 Hub + hub → other. Alexa still not finding anything.
Closer but not yet.

Thanks for pointing that out. Before even trying for HA insteon solution someone on Reddit mentioned the emulated hue addon for local Alexa. So I thought it was the addon that was required.

Shutting addon down and uninstalling got me closer. /api/v2/lights now returns device names.

Any ideas what I’m missing with Alexa app discover?
Wondering if its this godaddy lets encrypt / having enabled TLS issue. Or having HA on different port?
Should the emulated hue port match HA?

HA is set to port 8181 via TLS. 8181 doesn’t respond to http. Just TLS.

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

  server_port: 8181
  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
  host_ip: 10.x.x.2
  listen_port: 80
  advertise_ip: 10.x.x.2
  advertise_port: 80
    - script
    - scene
  expose_by_default: false
    - light
    - switch

I believe something on Alexa side is broken. Just won’t discover. The devices are ready /api/v2/lights on port 80.

Doesn’t seem to be a new occurrence either. Many peeps having issues with this in 2019.

About the only thing I can thing of left to try is to factory reset Alexa. Which I don’t want to do…
I removed all the old Insteon devices prior to trying to add devices via Hue. But perhaps previous devices being added are not totally removed. I dunno.

Frustrated - Hope SmartHome / Insteon get a lawsuit dropped on their doorstep…if not bankrupt already.
Software devs - Design a product complete. "Cloud should “compliment” a product - not be required for it to be functional. Where’s the cloud gonna be when the E.M.P drops…

Do check the Home Assistant startup logs for messages about Hue. I had port 80 interference at first with video software trying to use it at the same time.

At last - working. So it was a combo issue with discovery.
Having Ruckus Unleashed R710 Access points + Dell N2000 switches with VLANs ACLs. Both IN and OUT.

This hue discovery is UPnP / SSDP multicast

Ruckus WAPs have a directed multicast to unicast feature. This needs to be disabled to remain multicast.

I then needed to modify ACL on VLAN both Alexa + HA / Hue reside on.

Inbound was already good but outbound ACL needed SSDP IP entry.

permit tcp any 10.x.x.0 flag established
permit udp any 10.x.x.0
permit ip 10.x.x.0 10.x.x.0
permit ip 10.x.x.0
deny every

Thanks Nameless for assistance.

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I can’t find that menu anymore. It directly asks me to downlaod the Hue app…

I just experienced this myself after setting this up after moving. Now the trick is not to use the app at all. I hooked up a Gen 1 Dot and asked it to discover my devices. It worked and pulled in a fresh new emulated Hue configuration.

strange. i just did it and i had to go add device and select hue 1 lightbulb. auto-discovery didn’t work for me. :person_shrugging: