Emulated Hue Alexa woes

Struggling to make Emulated Hue work. Installed HAOS on an Intel NUC as per the official instructions. Also “installed” Emulated Hue as per these instructions. Here’s what configuration.yaml (properly anonymized) looks like:

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

  type: alexa
  host_ip: 192.168.xxx.xxx
  listen_port: 80
  expose_by_default: true

Alexa does not seem to discover anything, despite what this guy says. What am I doing wrong? Anybody notices anything wrong with my configuration.yaml file? Do I have to explicitly list the entities even if expose_by_default is set to true?

First, not an Alexa person, but just making sure you told Alexa to look for new stuff and gave it a good amount of time to do it, like an hour or something?

When I do Google without Nabu-Casa it takes a bit to sync.

i dunno about expose_by_default: true. i don’t do that.

i do emulated_hue and i specify the entities i want specifically and it works for me.

i did not find alexa able to automatically discover the entities however. but i had to go and add device, pick hue, then pick version 1 lights

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