Emulated Hue and Alexa


Alexa is not able to discover the HA devises. It was working fine till a few days ago.
Now the Alexa app isn’t able to discover the devices.

I am using Emulated Hue Bridge.

Appreciate the help.


There’s lots of issues with emulated hue if you search the forums. I gave up and went with node-red. It can also work locally and way better imo as you can pass values. I have an automation that sets my non smart fan to a certain speed by saying “Alexa set the fan to 4”. Emulated_hue had me pulling my hair out for about a month. But now I’m perfectly happy I left it.

Thanks, Installing Node-Red today, Need to figure things out there as I am new to this.


Once you get it installed, there are some topics around the forum that should give you some ideas how to use it. Here’s some to get you started with Alexa

Thanks, just installed node red, figuring out the connectivity. finding issue with the password.

[error] [server:Home Assistant] Home assistant connection failed with error: Connection to home assistant could not be established with config: https://abhay.duckdns.org:8123

Try using your local IP or change the port to 443 since you probably have that forwarded to 8123