Hi all,
Last week I purchased a Google home to go along side my Amazon Echo. And it all works fine so far, however there’s a minor niggle, everything presents as a light. I’m running a mix of all sorts of things in the house that I’d like to present “more natively” i.e. have thermostats show up as thermostats etc, certainly as far as the Google Home is concerned.
Both the Google Home and Amazon Echo seem to support more devices like Smart things, Wink, Hive, Honeywell etc. I’ve not really looked into the bulk of these yet but has anyone thought about building emulated bridges for these? I know the Hue is a fairly simple protocol and was looking for similar “easy pickings” that could be hijacked into a bridge that presents awareness of not only lights but switches, thermostats etc.
Has anyone attempted this yet or does anyone have a clue which one might be good to start with as a lowest common point?