So I gave the official Emulated Hue component another try. To my surprise, Alexa can discover up to 69 devices even though I have 80 devices exposed by HA. I thought the maximum devices Alexa can support is only 49.
Can anyone confirm what is the maximum emulated Hue bridge devices Alexa can actually support at the moment?
UPDATE 1: Managed to increase the number of devices from 66 to 69.
No. Your custom component is very valuable to me. Your solution makes it possible to add unlimited devices. There is still limit on the official version.
I just wish your component can become the official component to avoid compatibility issue in future.
I managed to discover up to 69 devices. The device discovery process is painstakingly time consuming. I gave up after a dozen tries and settled with 69. Perhaps others have better luck?
I wish there is a button on the HA frontend that I can press for Alexa to discover the devices instead of manually restarting/rebooting each time I want Alexa to discover new devices.
I find (found ) it very useful as I can hide devices from my Harmony hub with it. Even if (when) a more direct link to Alexa from HA is released into the wild like the Google Assistant one, I’d still need emulated_hue for use with Harmony.