Emulated Hue entities?

According to the docs the “emulated_hue_hidden:” option under the “customize” section is supposed to be going away sometime in the near future.

According to the docs it will be replaced by “hidden: true” or “hidden: false” in the new “entities:” section directly under “emulated_hue:” in the configuration.yaml file.

I tried to update my configuration with the new set up and I get an error in the log:

2018-02-19 05:06:02 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [emulated_hue]: [entities] is an invalid option for [emulated_hue]. Check: emulated_hue->emulated_hue->entities. (See /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml, line 208). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/emulated_hue/

my new emulated_hue section looks like the following:

  listen_port: 8300
    - script
    - scene
  expose_by_default: true
    - script
      hidden: false
      hidden: false
      hidden: true
      hidden: true
     hidden: true
      hidden: true
      hidden: true

Line 208 is the line that starts “emulated_hue:”

Are the docs wrong (again…) or am I?

What version of homeassistant are you running? Entities is working fine here.

Also, the hidden line under garage lights timer needs indenting one more space.


and that was a typo in the post, not in the actual config.

When did the entities: get implemented?

Always read the change log for the version you are using. Nothing there about the emulated hue changes.

Yeah, well…I’m not seeing the breaking change in any of the releases.

I only see a vague blog post about it between 61 and 62.

Is that when the change took effect?

I generally look at the breaking changes and forum posts before I decide to do an update. Which is why I’m still on 60 because of issues I’ve seen others are having with the recent releases.

I’m running 63 and I’m using the old hidden method. I’ll update to the new style later today and post my results. It’s about time they made this change! I’ll let you know if I get a config issue.

Where did you see that blog? Technically, it is not a breaking change (yet), as the old customization option has NOT been removed. AFAICT, the change took effect in 63. So >=63, both emulated_hue customization and normal customization work, <63 only the normal customization works.

What’s this then?

Taken from here which is linked from the homepage…


Yeah, well…again…

Honestly, I don’t ever read the ENTIRE list of changes as the vast majority don’t affect me. It’s usually a big waste of time. if it’s not a new platform or a breaking change I assume it’s not important.

And that one was buried so far down in that list I’m not surprised I didn’t see it.

the only reason I knew about it in the first place was I was looking at some examples from others configs and saw a reference to it. From the timing of the changes in their configs I assumed (wrongly…) that it was already implemented in an earlier release.

I think there ought to be some reference in the docs on when a change was introduced, especially if you are going to the trouble to explicitly annotate that IS a change in the first place.


thanks for the help tho. :grin:

The docs are always relevant to the current version of the software.

Yes, i know that but if they are going to the extent of annotating that a change was made in the docs then it would be as simple and informative to annotate when the change was implemented.

just simply add “in version 0.63.0” to


Hello, I thought I’d post here before starting a new thread.

I want to expose only certain entities (zwave devices, groups) to emulated hue, as most of my lights for example are Hue so they are already discovered by Alexa and don’t want to double up.

As I understand, I should set expose_by_default: false to avoid all entities being exposed by default. I can then indicate which domains are exposed, so lights and groups, and then indicate which entities are exposed. Would this only expose the entities I indicate in those domains?

I currently have it set to true by default, then I list all the entities in the lights category, and go through each one and set hidden to true or false, but this is very tedious.

Something like this:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  listen_port: 8300
  advertise_port: 8080
  expose_by_default: false
    - light
    - group
      name: "Bedside Lamp"

I haven’t used emulated hue in a really long time but my understanding from reading the docs is that if you have “expose_by_default: false” you have to list every entity you want to expose explicitly in the “entities:” section.

If you have it set to true then you will list only the domains you want to expose by default in the "exposed_domains: " section. Then you can also list any entities outside of those domains to add explicitly or any entities within those domains that you want to hide explicitly.

I think… it’s really kind of confusing…

I realized the strict limitations of the emulated_hue component pretty quickly and stopped using it so for a long time I used the haaska custom component. It was more flexible and IMHO easier to use once you got thru the more complex initial set up. In my understanding even the initial set up is a little more straight forward now compared to back then.

I just use the HA cloud now. It seems to be at least a little easier.

I use this simple way to expose each entity:

  expose_by_default: false
      name: "Bedside Lamp"
      hidden: false
      name: "Pot Lamp"
      hidden: false