Emulated hue + harmony hub problem

I’m trying to get emulated hue working for my Harmony Hub.
description.xml is available trough web-browser, so I take the emulated hue component is running.
No errors appear in the log.

But when I turn to my Harmony Hub, it says that there is no Philips Hue bridge found.
I’m running the latest version of Hassio.

Here is my config:

  listen_port: 80
  #advertise_port: 8080
  upnp_bind_multicast: true
    - script
    - scene
  expose_by_default: false
    - light
    - switch

What am I missing?

Solved it myself.

It seems that ‘re-scanning’ the network with the harmony app, while making changes in HA config, isn’t the best approach.
‘Killed’ the harmony app, re-scanned once more and the items showed up.

any reason you change the port? It’s not required and 80 is used for alot of other things.

No, just for testing purposes.
Now I use 8300 again.

Ah ok, that would be my recommendation unless you have a google home.