Emulated Hue hub unable to integrate with Alexa

Hi all :wave:

I’m new to this home automation gig, but I’m running Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspian Stretch installed. I am using the python virtual environment for HA and so far it has worked a treat.

My issue is this, I am unable to get my emulated hue bridge to be seen by Alexa. From my lurking on the forums, I understand that the Hue skill is not supposed to be required for this to work, and that the devices exposed by the bridge should be able to be “seen” by Alexa when I go to “Discover devices” in the app.

I am running HA as user hass on my pi in the emulated python environment and this is a snippet of my configuration.yaml

  type: alexa
  listen_port: 8300
  expose_by_default: true
    - light
    - switch
    - group

I have tried different variants of this, including excluding the listen on port, the type, and the exposed domains.

I have also read that in order for the Alexa to “see” the devices exposed (2 GE Z-Wave in wall light switches btw) you need to make sure that you can see the devices on port :8300 at http://hostname:8300/api/devices/lights and the bridge at http://hostname:8300/description.xml

My devices list as follows:

{"group.all_automations": {"modelid": "HASS123", "name": "all automations", "state": {"bri": 255, "on": true, "reachable": true}, "swversion": "123", "type": "Dimmable light", "uniqueid": "group.all_automations"}, "group.all_switches": {"modelid": "HASS123", "name": "all switches", "state": {"bri": 0, "on": false, "reachable": true}, "swversion": "123", "type": "Dimmable light", "uniqueid": "group.all_switches"}, "group.daily_forecast": {"modelid": "HASS123", "name": "Daily Forecast", "state": {"bri": 255, "on": true, "reachable": true}, "swversion": "123", "type": "Dimmable light", "uniqueid": "group.daily_forecast"}, "group.outside_lights": {"modelid": "HASS123", "name": "Outside Lights", "state": {"bri": 0, "on": false, "reachable": true}, "swversion": "123", "type": "Dimmable light", "uniqueid": "group.outside_lights"}, "switch.front_lights_switch": {"modelid": "HASS123", "name": "Front Lights Switch", "state": {"bri": 0, "on": false, "reachable": true}, "swversion": "123", "type": "Dimmable light", "uniqueid": "switch.front_lights_switch"}, "switch.lamp_post_switch": {"modelid": "HASS123", "name": "Lamp Post Switch", "state": {"bri": 0, "on": false, "reachable": true}, "swversion": "123", "type": "Dimmable light", "uniqueid": "switch.lamp_post_switch"}} 

My description.xml is as follows:

My home setup does not have UPNP enabled because I’m running behind a Cisco ASA 5505 which won’t handle that. I’m not sure if this is required, but my friends who have been guiding me through this process feel it isn’t necessary.

I have tried rebuilding my setup from scratch to no avail. The automation part of Home Assistant works great, my lights turn on at sunset and off at midnight just like they’re supposed to. But I would like to be able to control them via Alexa as well.

I’m at an utter loss as to why I can’t add my two switches to Alexa through the emulated Philips Hue bridge. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

This is all that I have in my config:

  expose_by_default: true
   - input_boolean
   - switch
   - scene

I restarted HA then used the “Alexa Web App” from my laptop to do device discovery and it made it easier to see what devices were found. Also between Wink, Home assistant and my real Hue Bridge I had 3 of many of my Lights… deleting the extras helped make everything function.

Which type of Echo do you have?

Echo Dot gen 2

The Echo sends upnp packages when discovering so my money would be on your network.

Your config isn’t quite right either although I don’t think it should be an issue. First you’re saying expose everything, which is the default so not necessary regardless, and you then say only expose those domains… one or the other :slight_smile:

Going to try making a test network with only the Echo Dot and the HA pi and a router with UPNP to see if that fixes it.

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I moved to Meraki recently and put the RPI-HA in DMZ and all my IoT devices are on the inside network with an Ubiquity ERX in between but no firewall rule just straight routing and had similar issue, all my devices in emulated hue in amazon went off-line, deleted a couple of deviced but wont rediscover. I moved the RPI-HA back to the inside and everything went back online in Amazon and was able to discover new devices. So it looks like something to do with UPNP and vlan.

Well that did it. Got the home automation stuff on its own isolated network and Alexa sees the devices just fine. So, for posterity, you need UPNP to run this stuff.

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Cool, glad I could help :slight_smile:

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Thanks again!!