Emulated Hue or Roku in Docker

Is anyone able to use emulated hue or roku combined with a docker install of Home Assistant? I’m using host networking, but neither of the emulated integrations will work. I get this error on boot:

OSError: [Errno 98] Address in use

Doesn’t matter what port I specify, its always in use.

No problems with Roku. Even have them in separate guest vlan from HA

Emulated hue is much harder.
I think I could get it to work if same vlan but this not working for me. I can see the xml but I don’t think my devices look outside network so vlan may cause me issue.

I don’t use host networking.

I figured that host networking is the problem. What ports are you exposing in your compose config? I’m pretty sure it has to be more than just 8123.

only 8123 at the moment

I dont use MQTT or Emulated Hue. MQTT default is 1883. Emulated Hue default is 8300 and 8080
not sure if emulated hue works in docker without --host.

All these may be changed from the defaulted values as needed

@tmjpugh @dntmbr


Did you ever get Emulated HUE working?

I am running Home Assistant in a Docker and I have not been able to even access the :80 webpage to verify that it is enabled.

Running Home Assistant 2023.1.2 Frontend 20230104.0 - latest

Any assistance would be appreciated.

No. I dont use docker in host mode which is the primary issue. I moved on but may look at it again

I’m not attempting to use either emulated hue or roku anymore, sorry.

Please let me know if you try again. Would be nice to have Emulated HUE working in HA. OH HUE Emulation works well but I am looking to switch to HA now that I have a couple of Smart Thermostats that OH was having issues with.

Came across a openHAB integration but it failed to load/integrate.

Ive been using HA cloud for hue but want ton get rid of that eventually