Emulated Hue Superceeding Real Hue...and potential Almond+ fun?

Anyone have any issues with their Emulated Hue installation?
I added it to my config and ran HASS:
1- No expected new devices seen by my Echo during device discovery
2- Router sees it as a Hue but no longer sees my actual Hue hub - only the Emulated Hue’s IP pops up in the list. Kind of interesting in and of itself since I’m running an Almond+…anyone with an Almond+ and without a wife that will kill them for accidentally nukeing their carefully named Hue configs might want to see if their HomeAssistant connected devices are now exposed to their Almond+ as sensors).

Full disclosure, my HomeAssistant install includes phue.

  • Should I uninstall phue? (And how?)