Would really apprectiate a working emulated receiver for Hue Sync, or any other ambilight solutions that grab a screen or music and push it to a device. Used prismatik a lot, so perhaps it might be easier to get an Adalight or Ardulight emulator or something else running?
OT: Already found working solutions to sync my PC Screen to my Corsair RGB devices like keyboard, fans, light strips and so on…
Problem is Ph Ambilight TV’s only read the devices for configuration and the config and state-changes itself works internal at the TV then the TV pushes only the states to the bridge without listening to other configs or anything else outside the TV… I realy look also forward to manage my Ambilight TV with ha or DIYhue rules, but this seems to work only with state-dummies wich relay the ruled/permissionend state to the hardware devices… (big problem when you are cutting onions in the kitchen and the TV switches the kitchen light to blue)