Emulated hue weirdness

I have 2 Amazon devices an echo and a tap. I only have a single group that controls two lights. The echo used to work fine until the other day and now it almost never works on the first try for either turning on or off. What is weird is the tap always appears to work. And once I have used the tap the echo then works at least for a while.

Is there any way to troubleshoot this?

Perhaps try uninstalling and re-adding the Echo to your WiFi network (if you have not already). I run an Echo and a Dot (about to add 2 more) and have not had any issues. In fact, these are probably the only parts of my smart-home that have never had any issues (where is some wood to knock on?).

Not sure if it matters but I had the Echo 1st and then added the Dot a few weeks later.

I have tried changing the network, I have even factory reset and de-registered it. I have 2 Dots, a Tap and an Echo. The echo is the only one having an issue, and of course is the main device in the house. I wish I knew how to even start troubleshooting the issue. It is so weird, if I use any other device it works immediately and every time. If I immediately use the echo it will work, but waiting for a few minutes and trying it does not work. Sometimes it will sort of work and spin and spin and eventually turn on the lights put tell me that the device is not responding.