Enable All Sensors For Integration


Is there anything out there (some type of script or automation) that can enable all sensors? Using a Kindle setup under Mobile App has 70 sensors and most of which are off by default. Thanks.

First go to the entities list (Settings->Devices and Services->Entities(tab)

Filter by integration


Then click on the entity selection button


Then Select All…

Finally enable all selected entities


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thanks, I do have some that change back to disabled after enabling them. Not sure why and where to look. Already looked in logs and not seeing anything.

What you’re seeing with sensors reverting to disabled after enabling them is certainly odd, but I can say I experienced the same thing yesterday too.

This was happening with the WIFI related sensors on my son’s phone (also integrated using Mobile Companion App)

It took a few times of enabling the sensors in conjunction with a few restarts to make the ‘enabled’ actually stick.

Hmmm… This has actually just happened again - I had enabled several of the Mobile App sensors in the entities list in Home Assistant.

They have again reverted to being disabled. I am now thinking that my son has actually disabled them on his phone and that this is the cause.

@Briandr73 have you explicitly gone through the disabled sensors in the companion app settings and enabled them each one by one?

On the Kindle, go to settings->companion app → Manage Sensors and enable the ones you want exposed to home assistant

Home assistant will, by default, ‘report/list’ all possible Mobile App Sensors from a device integrated through Mobile App.

Those sensors will only show values if they are explicitly enabled in the companion all settings on that specific device…

After all, it’s my wife’s choice if she wants our home assistant to see her last notification or the app she is currently using :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tips – I am think I am set now that I enabled what I want on the companion app.

What I was driving at in my opening post was it would be nice if there was something that could scan all add-ons and integrations and show me the ones with disabled sensors.

The filters in the entities page should cover your needs here.