Enable device (PHONE) tracking after setting up HA app (Android)

I have it, dont remember anymore why.

Added restarted but no luck

So when setting up the companion app i DENIED location access

I tried removing the app and do a fresh install (after removing data an cache), but it will not ask me the location permision again so that isn’t helping.

Judging by the text in the image some stuff get’s setup for you when you do not deny location permission. So this has to be somewhere but i struggle to find it

Not seen this before, I had a similar situation a few months ago with SamA51 but after I added the Android location permissions and updated the HA sensors then all started working

So this seems to fix it:

  • On your phone, go to app management
  • Force stop
  • Empty Cache and data
  • Toggle location permissions from on to off and on again
  • Start the app on your phone then it will (re)guide you through the wizard and you can enable tracking

Next time you get stuck don’t forget we have troubleshooting steps on the docs. Surprised no one mentioned them here

I did go through the steps in the documentation but that didn’t help, so i ended up asking a question here. If The docs don’t work the formu doesn’t show a post like my problem and google ends up empty handed. Then i ask a question in here.

I have another one pending on Home Connect no answer yet (the docs didn’t help there either)

This works. While in the Settings–App Management–HA, after clearing data then toggling permissions, press Start (or Open) to restart the app. The wizard will guide you through. When you get to location, you MUST giver permission to track location ALL the time (not while using the app) to get it to work correctly. (I got a message about overriding Battery Saver or not, but I didn’t look into it.)

glad you find the solution at the end.
how this will work if you have 2 instances of Home-Assistant running ?
let’s say one at home and one in your holiday home ? how do you do the setup ?
thanks in advance for any ideas

you can enable and disable servers on a per server basis in the app

Hello, I configure the Person and the mobile app:

but the status of the entity tracking my phone is unknow:


I gor from mobile phone sensor (Wifi and Geolocation) working, phone tracker is the only one that it’s not working…

Where am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your support!

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Thank you very much.

I think that my issue could be this one:

Since I can use the mobile app only without WiFi connection.
As soon I get WiFi connected I cannot access anymore to the mobile app, receiving an error message on the local IP.

So, I follow the steps in the trouble shooting guide to install the WiFi Certificate, but my question is: Where do I take such certificate?

Sorry but I’m quite new about networking… :frowning:

if you dont know you are usig a self signed certificate tehn you probably are not using it.

what URLs are you using in the app?

I dont think you should be using a self signed certificate if you dont know how they work, you wll run into more issues.

Clear. Indeed I’m not aware I am using it.
I thought it was that, because it’s the only issue on the list that came close to the problem I’m encoutering.

I got DuckDNS to reach HA from the internet and local intranet always reachable via local ip even if I am on the WiFi.
Only the mobile app are not working when I got the WiFi connected.

What could it be?

you will need to reference however you setup Duck DNS with possibly nginx? not sure on your setup thats unique to whatever you did

Just did the standard DuckDNS config on the HA official guide… (tokens, Certfile, keyfile)

double check the URLs in teh app…remember you cannot use HTTPS with local IP, must be HTTP otherwise certificate is not valid.

Great. Thank you so much… That was the problem.!

Anyway the tracker entity of the mobile phone has no status yet.


now you need to re-reference the link I sent and check the steps and if those are good keep reading to check location tracking history